• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

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From DarkCore on 11/23/2007 Received Modify
Ouch, I stomp (not like absurdly hard, just to FA so I can hear my steps) and bracket-rape for a lot of customs/cheating hands. I don't think I wanna go anymore. xP
From DarkCore on 11/12/2007 Received Modify
Haha, yeah I was actually thinking about going again during the Christmas break because I hear the pads are godly now. (yes?) Perhaps I can get good scores on 12's/13's and customs without pad BS then. I'll let you know when I'm coming though. =P