• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

View Region

Region: Illinois (IL)
Country: U.S.A.
Players in this region
# Name
1 *supaSTAR*
2 -Wej-
3 0c3an
4 3cmrgx3
5 A2P
6 aCarson
7 Adelor
8 adsfasfd
9 AeroDynamix
10 Akio91
12 AL!!
13 Alkene777
14 almus snow
15 AlucardXhellsing
16 AnusFatAss
17 Aoreo (no recalc)
18 apm
19 Applekidjosh
20 AR3H 3N3MY
21 arendalwhm
22 asakura
23 ass
24 ATB
25 AURA.LucarioZ
26 AV3R
27 AZ453
28 B-Down
29 B34R
30 bagacide
31 bakajap
32 bandit
33 Bangladeshi tech scammer
34 Beremy
36 Big Tuna
37 BigDaddySumoMan
38 BlackManJones
39 blackpants
40 Blastbot
41 Bloodberry
42 bluntdragon1
43 Bob
44 Bohobe
45 Bonerrz
46 boneyard09
47 Borisaur
48 Brodie(Team-Z)
49 Broski
50 Bruce Leroy
51 BSPiotr
52 Butt Sex
53 buttnugget07
54 C Jota
55 captainx
56 CarterTheQ
57 catnapp3r
58 Ch1x0r
59 ChaosEnrgy
60 Chaos_Angel X3
61 chasM
62 Cheesebear
63 Chicken Okabe
64 Chiliman
65 chizu
66 chrisslugma
67 Chunkchunka
68 ChunkChunka_FAPlus
69 Chunkwrap Supreme
70 Chuq
71 Ciel
72 Cinnamon Twanst
73 Clasko
74 ClassicSass
75 cloudacmaster
76 coca cola
77 comboace
78 CottageCheeseThighs
79 CpawsMusic
80 Cransoon
81 Crazy WHite (MCRO)
82 Credit(s)93
83 Crixus
84 cuti515
85 D.J.K
86 Da Big D 233
87 dana8123
88 Darklink
89 darkphoenix
90 Darkside
91 Dash_Merc
92 DavidJ84
93 Dazed & Confused
94 DDErik
95 DDRChad
96 DemonixSouls
97 DeSire
98 Diru
99 DiStRaCtEd
100 DJK
101 djk stepmania
102 dorantr22
103 Dotso
104 Dr. A
105 Dr. Lorenz
106 Dr. S
107 DragonKaela
108 DragonSlayer57
109 dreamastermind
110 DrummerChic2390
111 dudestfu
112 Dumash
113 Dweiland23
114 Dweiland89
115 dxyy12
117 ebansheebin
118 EdBoy
119 Effing Rick
120 Ekim
121 El Band Geek
122 Ele (no bar)
123 electric
124 Eleftheria
125 eltigrechino
126 Emi
127 emo!
128 EnerG07
129 energy
130 Ermagerd
131 eternalzero
132 Evertree
133 Ezgi
134 F:\LOL\nika.exe
135 faygo548
136 Fayt13
137 FieClaussell
138 Flying_V
139 FOON
140 Foop
141 fourcan
142 Freedomco
143 FrozenEnigma
144 fummoffu
145 fun_stuffq
146 Fursty1896
147 gama
148 GamerPanda
150 Genjink
151 getbacktome
152 Giannis Antetokounmpo
153 Giggity Goo
154 Ginger
155 glitchbear
156 golsonkp
157 gonekim116
158 goofwear
159 GoosesGait
160 Gosu
161 Graym
162 GSK
163 gtc
164 GuceFanatic
165 Gunmaster260
166 Hairy
167 hamsterdude25
168 hand banana
169 Haraku
170 HBIC.mudkyp
171 HeartOfTheLost
172 heatblaze
173 HEHEHEHA.wav
174 Helix
175 hellomikexd
176 heyo9082
177 HiddenLogic
178 Hm0ney
179 HomonymK
180 Hunter-x
181 i s a !
182 i sound like a kitty
183 IAC56
184 ian5v
185 Ictinia
186 implode
187 InteleontheLizard
188 Iron Man
189 ironman
190 Ishikimatsuri
191 ITGFREAK_666
192 Ixion
193 Jackie
194 JAKZ
195 Jakz390
196 JALG
197 Jandick
198 JasonMath
199 JayNukkah
200 Jaystyles
201 Jazzy
202 Jebrone
203 Jeebus
204 Jester_of_the_Moon
205 jmcarless
206 Joel Stud?!
207 Jongusmoe
208 Jungels112
209 Juni
210 Juno
211 justarandomdude
212 Kai Shouji
213 Kailaria
214 Kaju_Inu
215 KamenRiderAru
216 Kanye East
217 KarolXD
218 Kasemei
219 KDavis
220 KDM!
221 KennethLias
222 Kerpa
223 KillerB
224 Kiwi!
225 KnitePhox
226 Kobayashi
227 Kohai
228 Konfine
229 Koushiro
230 Kouzmanoff
231 kpopgrrl
232 Krysel
233 Kurasa
234 KY13
235 Kyt-Xune
236 L00Q
237 l33tg4m3r
238 Lan
239 Level9Chao
240 Levyorg
241 Lidanics99
242 Light420
243 Lil Guy (controller)
244 Lil Q
245 LiLD89
246 LilDEU(Team-Z)
247 lilktnrey
248 lkxcmi@bamxze.com
249 LodeMi
250 LodeMi12
251 LodeMi_12
252 Lokovodo
253 lolipo
254 lordkota
255 Loxe-Aeon
256 LPCrossOver
257 lumpky
258 lunaontheweb
259 lutet
260 maboesanman
261 Mad Matt
262 Mad max277
263 Mael
264 magicianscotty
265 Maiiia
266 Mary Pat
267 McPot
268 MCThammer
269 mDM.LHoT.NoBar
270 MGSachiel
271 Mike N Ike
272 MikeyG
273 minkyness
274 missy42384
275 MixMaxDancer
276 mjatas
277 MK_KIller74
278 MochiCake
279 MochiMiko
280 monkey
281 MOP3
282 Mowa
283 Mr Tigs
284 Mr. Fahrenheit
285 Mr12000.itfm
286 MSDeeSea
287 mtgmackid
288 Mulletman
289 MURDER.Monst3rJoe
290 Mushroomz
291 Mustang
292 mwirgc.blackpants
293 MWIRGC.Xeno
294 MWIRGC.Zoness
295 mwirgc.zoness.alt
296 Myke Cue
297 M_Force_4_ever
298 n00b.Quinn
299 Nalang326
300 nastharl
301 Neo
302 nerdnim
303 Nes
304 nforcer
305 Nick Metal
306 Nickxg2233
307 Nikko
308 no clue right now
309 nofear26
310 noitalever
311 Noloo13
312 Norab
313 NoReD
314 NoVa NoReD
315 nvanleerdrums
316 nvanleerdrumsKB
317 nvts.poop
318 Ocean
319 ODengals
320 ogmozero
321 Omega.MiST
322 oni_666
323 ooJa
324 OrangeSaik
325 Parafox
326 paris ave.
327 pauliwrath
328 PengMan
329 PigLatinHaiku
330 PiNKtg
331 Plaguefox
332 PnfrlEnm
333 psychodellic
334 Psyfer
335 Punisher Pat
336 Pushistik
337 Qtip
338 QuadGod
339 quartz
340 QueenToast
341 QWERTYkid911
342 r kie15
343 R!7Z
344 RabidZomblE
345 RadSwouse
346 rage
347 RahsLynn
348 Rahzel
349 Raidos
350 raid_knight
351 Ramy
352 Rapidfire
353 Rapunzel1029
354 Rapunzelsansbar
355 reflux
356 RivvyMonster
357 Roach
358 Robin
359 robin_
360 Rod Wave
361 Rorschach
362 Rosebudd
363 Rpnzlsansbar
364 Rubber Ducky
365 rynker
366 Rynker(lowscores)
367 Ryumaboroshi
368 Ryzen Xia
369 sage_ritzcracker
370 SAL
371 samEYEam
372 sammyqueen
373 samsam0hman
374 Sapphron
375 savage
376 Scholtzter
377 Scholtzter No Bar
378 Sensai
379 Sev MIKO
380 SeVeNZ3R0
381 SexyHotDemo
382 sfwsasuke
383 Shameimaru
384 ShatteredAxe
386 Shiori
387 Shitface
388 Sipher2k
389 SirTom
390 skate
391 SkeletonDance
392 SkeletonPump
393 Skuffed Coyote
394 slarson1984
395 Slimfast023
396 SMB!
397 soadkombucha
398 SOAP!
399 Special-K
400 Sphinctus
401 spikedbutterflys
402 Spooty
403 sprocket
404 StarFire
405 stayprettyxx3
406 Steevamis Maximus
407 Stompy
408 Strider-Ryu
409 sTripMachine
410 Sub-Z3R0
411 Superfreak
412 Sword
413 Tachakoma
414 tdug1991
415 TEA
416 Team Donut: TRiX
417 team z warrior
418 Team Z: Static
419 Team-Z: Edl
420 TeamZ_Rage
421 Teh Love Box
422 tehfyre
423 teh_Reaper666
424 TemporaryOtaku
425 TENSHI93
426 Terminator
427 tetrisben
428 TewiInaba
429 TH.Akiramay
430 TH.Aya
431 TH.invincible13matt
432 TH.Kogasa
433 TH.LadyHitokiri
434 TH.Nazrin
435 TH.Reisen Udongein Inaba
436 TH.Satori
437 TH.Yuyuko
438 The Jew
439 The Man
440 The Real Ryan B
441 thefreemansbackup
442 TheLoveShineBear
443 the_shower_police
444 timotheus
445 tim_fred_007
446 TJ the DJ
447 TMAT
448 Toasty
449 Tombstone
450 TPF.Catch22
451 Trace
452 TranquilThought
453 Trapezius
454 TreBaeBae
455 trido2
456 Tripp
457 Uber12
458 UnitZero
459 V-Ray
460 Vamp
461 Virgil
462 vivalalina
463 WaffleNotPancake
464 WarpRattler
465 Whitesand
466 WHMY
467 Widget
468 WinDEU (Low Scores)
469 winterd
470 wisra
471 Wolfen
472 wrexness
473 Xakuta
474 Xcel
475 XDJxRaWWx
476 Xidi
477 XoDus
478 xPhoenix
479 xrtmloii
480 XTTX
481 yamboyjr
482 Yani
483 yatsokan
484 YesIWantACookie
485 yourmommadude
486 yumenegi
487 YungBitcoin
488 Z Matrix
489 zapperzaku
490 Zeebo
491 Zha Zha
492 zlarium
493 Zprxty
494 Zror
495 _Temeraire
Machine Locations in this region
# Name City
1 Bear Cave
2 Duckets Carbondale
3 DePaul University Student Center Chicago
4 Huskie's Den DeKalb
5 Game Pazzo Downers Grove
6 Chunk Hut Forest Park
7 Aladdin's Castle Galesburg
8 Brunswick Zone Homewood
9 Brunswick Zone Naperville Naperville
10 Nickel City Northbrook
11 The Haul House Prospect Heights
12 Koalaty Gaming Store River Forest
13 Brunswick Zone XL Romeoville
14 Brunswick Zone Roselle Roselle
15 Aladdin's Castle Springfield
16 Odyssey Fun World Tinley Park
17 Illini Union Rec Room Urbana
18 BHOP Vernon Hills
19 Brunswick Zone Woodridge Woodridge