• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

View Region

Region: Missouri (MO)
Country: U.S.A.
Players in this region
# Name
1 4thcolor
2 a delicious bass
3 Alex311360
4 AllegedAllergen
5 amenbreak
6 Amparon
8 AndyMine573
9 AtlasShrugged69
10 AweneErype
11 awesopossum
12 aznnlim
13 bacon
14 Baelfael
15 Belzaro
16 BigPaulyV
17 C4V3M4N
18 catsup
19 Chewie
20 chewyee
21 chrswolters
22 ChuckGirl
23 clipswitch
24 CNSF. YeastInfection
25 CNSF.00
26 CNSF.Kupo
27 CNSF.Scythe
28 cuvnjnnfkmw
29 Cykon
30 D3ath_by_Senpai
31 DaRKMaGiK
32 DDRNick
33 DirkRapier
34 DJ Satan
35 epm.doc
36 EvilClosetMonkey
37 extraordiberry
38 Fake Flake
39 General_of_Fire
40 geoffap
41 Gold275aquatic
42 GOLD_ON_RR_2004
43 Goody
44 guhnmystro
45 hawasian_invasion
46 HBG2004
47 hinc
48 iluvhoes.phsb
49 Jaetei
50 Jay_Peass
51 JBoyPimp
52 jrs
53 juggernaut.strx
54 l!v3
55 Loto
56 ManOfMystery?
57 Mario0672
58 mcapav@sukspf.com
59 mike_vvv
60 Mimichii
61 MiniChu
62 Misty
63 mooey
64 Morphal
66 nathan63134
67 NoBarCaveman
68 Nosferatu001
69 Octuculous
70 Oxyacetylene
71 phean
72 PunklyDaft
73 replicatingTrouts
74 reyasat
75 Ronald McAwsome
76 rpgfan713
77 sabidesu
78 ScienceNerd2240
79 sephiroth702
80 shplay101
81 SilverFlare
82 SirThomas
83 sk44rj
84 SonicAlarm
85 Speedy
86 tempest_alchemist
87 The Urahara Kid
88 Tinari
89 Tonks
90 tymxur
91 usagi
92 Vtjtwdax
93 Wabbs
94 whatstheyams
95 winterfr3sh
96 Winterfr3sh no bar
97 wsnjqq@cvmcui.com
98 xxlawhorn@yahoo.com
99 x_spork_x
100 Your Favorite Asian
101 zguvga@rxqlvk.com
Machine Locations in this region
# Name City
1 Cool Crest Independence
2 Aladdin's Castle Jefferson City
3 Campbell 16 Cinema Springfield
4 Ameristar Casino St. Charles
5 Memories Games St. Joseph
6 Ronnie's 20 Cine St. Louis
7 Tee-Time Family Entertainment Center St. Louis
8 TILT! St. Louis