• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

View Region

Region: California (North) (CA)
Country: U.S.A.
Players in this region
# Name
1 !!Technologic
2 $ilky
3 *A*L*E*X*
4 *Team Evolution* d-a-v-e
5 1/2Daddy1/2Gandhi
6 120
7 2nd best
8 89ji
9 9000000000
10 916Maxine
11 A-zu-ra
12 Absent
13 Acegik13
14 acexheartz
15 AD7
16 AdmittingSword
17 adrianlam
18 adris
19 Aero Kaiser
20 Aerostin
21 AiryDhey
22 AJmix
23 Akasura
24 Akeem
25 akeem (training mask)
26 alcohime
27 aldreat
28 AleilevoLavy
29 Alexc805
30 aLiaS_oNeR
31 Allyanna
32 alonso2023
33 alpastor
34 altaire
35 Alternate Enjoyer
37 amuroray89
38 ANBU_Naruto
39 Andisheh
40 andrewnona4
41 angelXboy
42 Ankoku
43 antiochwindshield6
44 aplystepmania
45 Araklexis
46 ArcadiaPerson
47 Arkayna
48 ArmyBoi
49 arynson
50 asahi
51 Astriferous
52 asukayin
53 awpwhat
54 aye
55 AznPenguin08
56 Azurian
57 a_bit_psycho
58 babo123
59 bagelowo
60 Bambee
61 Barreaper
63 bfzykn
64 bicio
65 Big Nasty
66 BiggieBlue
67 Billbobfrd
68 billyjr82
69 bingy
70 BiOPaNdA
71 bluechows
72 BlueInfection
73 BluR.Z!
74 BluRwaterGirl
75 bookie09
76 boomer559
77 bootyjuice
78 Bosskonasegway
80 Breakfast Que-0ss-adilla
82 BrokenDustin
83 BrotherMojo
84 cakes
85 calzone
86 cameronlj
87 Captain Smoker
88 captaintobs
89 Carajo
90 CarlosZ
91 CelticKuja
92 cg505
93 ChAoZ
94 ChaveztheGreat
96 Cheeze
97 Chicken Corpse
98 Chimp
99 Chowchillah
100 ciffagisT
101 Cirnology
102 cjx3711
103 cK1
104 Clameron
105 cloud_708
106 CodyTheFennec
107 Comrade Caffy
108 Concubidated
109 cosmynx
110 CrashnBrn
111 creativereporter
112 Crios
113 Crispy
114 crumblenoob
115 CuteLilDucky
116 Cygnus
117 CYRN
118 Da Jagan
119 Da unabomber
120 daddy zexyu
121 DaKree
122 daniel@123
123 DANN
124 DannyK
125 Dark Orochi
126 DarkCazum0
127 darkness
128 DarkPanda122
129 darkshark
130 Darkuo
131 darkysoul
132 Daylena-Narisa
133 daynightdrugs
134 DDRplayer
135 DeathofaStar
136 Decapitated
137 DemonHunterLeon
138 Demovaer
139 dencresta
140 Derk
141 derpjosh
142 Desklamp
143 DevilTheory
145 Didzis
146 dimo
148 Dispolca
149 djb4ke
150 djmike321star
151 Dmtechno
152 DOFO
153 dogbox
155 dootmoose
157 Dr Moobly
158 Draco
159 Dragon_cantu
160 Drax
161 Drayne O
162 drf3man
163 eco friendly wood veneers
164 Elcolombian213
165 emaillistvalidation
166 emmainiac
167 Emmy
168 erictran0
169 Ernesto21
170 Eskimo
171 Eternal_void
172 eveninglily
173 Evil Homer
174 exitiedectalf
175 expcake
176 Exschwasion
177 f0xtr0t
178 Facade
179 Fallen Evo IX
180 Fallen evo viii
181 FallenEvoX
182 Falty No Bar
183 farideh7
184 FD3S
185 felinecity
186 fenderstrat
187 Feraligatr
188 FireJade
189 Firestorm
190 Flash2020
191 flashitude
192 Flee
193 flipm0d3
194 FLipSide
195 FLoxBox
196 Fluorite
197 ForkySpoon
198 forthelulz
199 FreelanceDragon
201 FRESNOobs.Dizave
202 FRESNOobs.iNnovistiQ
203 FRESNOobs.LIL_Dizave
204 FRESNOobs.sOKizu
205 Frky
206 Frozen Fido
207 fungah
208 futuristiccow
209 fwashaaa
210 gaarie
211 gabbyjay
212 gabo itg mx
213 galardons
214 Galvanized Square Steel
215 GamerManJr
216 Gaodyn
217 Gaolyn
218 Ghelyr
219 gigglynatalie
220 Glitchy
222 gltmkm506
223 greenbarron
224 greg!
225 Grim
226 Groovie
227 guideline6
228 Gutiger
229 gwubb
230 H G
231 H4L_Fastguy
232 hamha109
233 harryyy
234 Hawt Senf
235 Hernan1
236 hikarii
237 hiro.hack
238 HispanicPanics.Dizzy
239 HispanicPanics.Fallen
240 hkmusicfreak0
241 Hoodie
242 horraykennyson
243 Horse
244 housesan
245 Huatdog
246 hufer
247 hugh_jass
248 HURR
249 I am John (no bar) Beck
250 I own lil q
251 iamchris4life
252 Icedog
253 Iceman0736
254 Iceman2damax
255 ihateu
257 IHYD.dimo
258 ImBite
259 imlikewhoa
260 ImNotAzerty
261 imThatLeon
262 Inds
263 Inkychuu
264 InTheGrooveFrk99
265 invchaos
266 Isacarius
267 itg4mike
268 ITGxKite
269 itsaceyo
270 itsjusowl1
271 Ivan
272 j0e
273 j0e paul
274 jabashque
275 JaceITG
276 Jafar
277 janno
278 Jar
280 jarfig
281 jasonkane2007
282 JayFuchs
283 jeeps
284 JeffreyATW
285 JenniferUsacef
286 jenra
287 Jesse McCoy
288 JetBeats
289 JetWorld
290 Jewlian
291 jimmydeanhimself
292 JNoob312
293 jnoobie312
294 JNooob312
295 Joehu
296 JohnnyPlease
297 Jonhs
298 Joshua
299 JP
300 jqtran
301 Judas X8
302 julianstyles
303 Julie Q
304 Jumpingbear
305 JungCock
306 Junk
307 juno071
308 JustAnIrishDude
309 JWan
310 kaberosi
311 Kage (still sexy)
312 kaiiste
313 kakliquidmetal
314 KAL
315 kalasi
316 Kantskot
317 KaoticKid559
318 karapalm
319 Kathlvl10
320 keekster
321 Keeteh
322 kennys
323 Kentrishula
324 kevinb
325 KevinIsHawt!!
326 kevinnnn
327 keyklu
328 KFC!
329 KikariToKage
330 KillahCali
331 killercore007
332 killuastep
333 KissMyAxe
334 KITTY!
335 Kit_Fox_Sunne
336 kjon
337 Klaz
338 Know Your Enemy
339 KonnorLetterBee
340 kvewxf
341 Kyle7412
342 la parka
343 LawlzJorge
344 lbmixpro707
345 Lenoh
346 Leon Evolon
347 lesbianswordfighting
348 Leyo
349 Le_Quack
350 Lico15
351 lil happy feet!
352 lil hpf
353 LILD
354 LilLa0Kid
355 lizuko
356 ljztsa@gvzssa.com
358 lonely_substrate
359 LordQuas
360 Loser707
361 LT
362 lucdar
363 luisjam
364 Luka Doncic
365 Lumen
366 LuminousFox
367 Luvbun
368 M3eko0
369 maaar333yaa
370 macklems6
371 Madotsuki
372 makisoba
373 Malice
374 Mana
375 Mari
376 MattyG
377 Maxine
378 maxito
379 maxneo
380 maxx!
381 Mazato
382 MBN
383 mcmaxmcmc
384 mczub
385 MeepingLychee
386 mewissa
387 MicMac
388 MidnightWolf
389 Minime
390 Mint
391 miss mokki
392 Mist
393 Mofointhedisco
394 mohaba
395 MoistBruh
396 moldymuffins13
397 Mongoose
398 Montauk
399 Morphius
400 moyclan
401 mpal
402 mqp
403 Mr. Incredible
404 mrCLICKman
405 mrtong96
406 mustanginexile
407 my11643
408 MystaJar
409 MyXAlias
410 MZD
411 namaslayer
412 Nation
413 ncnaic@yvrivh.com
414 needboba
415 neverneverland(CPTN CRIK)
416 ngpascal
417 Nimocchi
418 NiteMann
419 No bar Fo mee! (Z3R0)
420 noelforever
421 NoLimit
422 notinfamouspat
423 npinsker
424 nsongster
425 OneFastShop
426 ongakuio
427 oofernandoo
428 Orii
429 OshawaACE
430 otter87
431 oyako
432 Pangolin
433 Panicattack*Ch
434 PantsXcore
435 paperfairy
436 Pedro
437 peetree
438 peter
439 Phany
440 phenomenal-anbu-
442 Pinato
443 pineapple
444 pineapple161
445 pinklumenade_
446 Plain Steven
447 possumz
448 qalkyf
449 QuentinX5
450 Quicky-Mart
451 QZARjag
452 Radruler
453 rad_rodd
454 Rascal1
455 Rayne Noir
456 Rayne77
457 rckywong
458 reallysui
459 Red
460 Reiflyer
462 reset_itg
463 rfntwduoi
464 RICE
465 Ricky
466 Ridge
467 RidgeTiger
468 Rito
469 rizeagainst
470 RJWinks
471 roberta
472 RODD
473 rogerclark
474 Roscoe
475 rpg4real85
476 rrwoods
477 Rue
478 rye
479 ryryry
480 ryutarou
481 RzRollsSid
482 S2Kensei
483 S2Kensei w/ NO BAR
484 sadcat
485 sageofchaos
486 SakuraSound
487 Samonte
488 samtorx
490 saucymuffins
491 SBeezy
492 Scaggyballer17
493 scott
494 Sega_J
495 senstin1
496 sessu
497 shadowobsessed
498 Shadow_Dragonz
499 Shadow_Dragonz.ITG
500 Shadow_Panda
501 sharon0914
502 Shikairo
503 Silk
504 Silver08
505 SilverL
506 silvertear89
507 Sinistrality
508 Siren
509 Sk8mastr
510 SketchBook
511 Skipper123
512 Skynet_0
513 slybat
514 snake
515 SoblKenO
516 SoftBolt
517 soon2bgodly
518 SoulIncredible
519 sourdeer
520 Sovietpanda123
521 Soya
522 spark676
523 spbsuitmo
524 SplatBrat
526 Squaller
527 Squeener Boi
528 Squishi
529 StarBfly
530 StepanMl
531 stphung
532 Stretch
533 stupeddasso
534 Stupid Baka
535 SUNNYstamina
536 sunsilverdragon
537 superking
538 supersnake
539 SuPeRwAcKgEe
540 swpmtpup
541 syber
542 Synkro
543 synn
544 SystemKrash
545 t3a
546 TawkSick
547 Techcam
548 teho
549 Telperion
550 Tenchi Rorain
551 tevinoob
552 ThaiJjang
553 The Fool
554 The Game II
555 The Hamm of the Century
556 The Ike of the Century
557 The Yan of the Century
558 TheCro
559 Theforgotten
560 thegametwok
561 thenorcaljew
562 thepaperkat
563 thomas
564 ThorPrime
565 Thotful
567 ToG_Lamoc
568 tohka
569 TopherK
570 tough_milk
571 TRC
572 trescal
573 Trijump
575 Tung
576 turn up
577 Twilightmancer
578 twiztid666
579 tyler22321
580 Tyte Ty
581 Tyte Tyson
582 ufotekkie
583 UrsaBear
584 User92
586 verniy_
587 VictorGolfCharles
588 VictorJohn
589 videofreak6
590 vincent-test
591 virgilxzero
592 ViviOmega
593 vjj
594 VraTix
595 Vuccin
596 W1LL_1_AM
597 wbn
598 weeeoop
599 whiteboi789
600 WhiteChocolate
601 Will10ice
602 windwitch
603 Woonoo
604 xam21
605 xAngelMistx
606 xDarkDragonx
607 Xero-ITG
608 XeroAyame
609 xiaowuc1
610 xMaru
611 Xoshi17
612 Xpirior
613 Xx DiscO xX
614 xxxy.AKDP.VHyphy
615 xxZOMxx
616 yami
617 Yamigi
618 yaya
619 yijiem
620 YoniDaMan
621 Yoshi5046
622 yourmomplaysitg
623 Yukitothefox
624 z0mgroxas
625 zAk.
626 Zakamiro
627 Zankoku
628 Zealous One
629 Zellody
630 Zeo
631 Zerocide
632 zhuzhu
634 Zivie87
635 zizhengwu
636 zylviij
637 zyxvxb@rdnjyy.com
Machine Locations in this region
# Name City
1 Albany Bowl Albany
2 High Voltage Bakersfield
3 Eshleman Hall @ UC Berkeley Berkeley
4 Castro Valley Golfland (CVGL) Castro Valley
5 The Entertainment Zone (Q-Zar) Concord
6 Dublin Regal IMAX Theaters Dublin
7 Blackbeards Fresno
8 Oh WOW! Nickel Arcade (FNA) Fresno
9 Oh WOW! Nickel Arcade (MNA) Merced
10 Milpitas Golfland (MGL) Milpitas
11 Tilt Palm Desert
12 Scandia Funland Rohnert Park
13 West Wind Sacramento 6 Drive In Theater Sacramento
14 dimo's dojo San Bruno
15 Riptide Arcade at Pier 39 San Francisco
16 Portal One @ Metreon San Francisco
17 Metreon 3rd Floor (Loew's Theater Arcade) San Francisco
18 San Jose Golfland San Jose
19 Bamboola San Jose
20 Century 20 Oakridge San Jose
21 Anntopia San Jose
22 Boardwalk Casino Arcade Santa Cruz
23 Sunnyvale Golfland (SVGL) Sunnyvale
24 Oh WOW! Nickel Arcade (VNA)/Cyberstation Visalia