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Rules Tournament Ranking


What is ECS6.5?:

ECS6.5 is the eleventh (after ECS1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, and 6) tournament in the East Coast Stamina series. The objective is to try to clear as many of the hardest stamina charts as you can within the format of the tournament. It is a team tournament, and you may enter it on a team of up to three individuals.

Once again, since this isn't a "main" ECS (like, one of the whole number ones), it's going to be split into an upper and lower division to make it more accessible to a wider range of participants.


Entrants can submit their sets at any time BEFORE May 14th, 2018 to count towards the ranking. Within that timeframe, when and where they do this is at their discretion, so long as they adhere to the rules detailed further on.


Wherever. Any ITG machine that's running an ITG theme and not the StomperZ one. Stepmania 5 is acceptable as long as you're using ITG's life/scoring mechanics (using the Simply Love theme on Competitive mode is the easiest way to accomplish that).

What are the prizes?:

Keep in mind it'll probably take me a while to mail everything once the tournament is over.


ECS6.5 is a team tournament split into an Upper Division and a Lower Division, with two portions to the tournament for each division.

Set 1: Marathon

Each division has ONE marathon this year. You have two options on how you approach the marathon.

Your team gets 30 minutes to split up however you want to warm up for your marathon (if you're doing option 2 and splitting it up individually, each team member gets 30 minutes). If you fail, or you are just dissatisfied with your score, you may reattempt the marathon(s) as many times as you like or can manage before May 13th. However, you cannot try more than once in the same day (defined as any time that falls on the same calendar date as the initial attempt). This also means you cannot play prior to your 30 minutes of warm-up on any day you plan to attempt the marathon.

If you're going with option 1, during the marathon ONLY, you may have team members play on the unused pad to stay warm. You are still not allowed to do this during Raw Output.

The points yielded by the marathons/splits are based off of the max points for each marathon/split * the score obtained on it.

The marathons are as follows:


Weebuild Of Stamina (13) [1000 Points Max]

13Vendita di MagiaSharpnelstreamz v2
13RAVE2000009Sharpnelstreamz v2
13For YouSharpnelstreamz v2
13Lost in SingularityHelblinde 2016
13Touch the AngelSharpnelstreamz v2
13World Sound (Xephon)Sharpnelshortz
13Orbital StrikeHelblinde
13Locus (Helblinde Remix)Helblinde
13HeroHelblinde 2016
13Complecks BabySharpnelstreamz v2
13Die NowSharpnelstreamz v2
13LinuksSharpnelstreamz v2
13Aim BurstRebuild of Sharpnel
13G.K.SurviverSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1
13BF2014Rebuild of Sharpnel
13MmmmmmmSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1
13Grief & MaliceHelblinde
13A Reyvateil's CurseHelblinde
13Summer TriangleHelblinde 2016
13Heaven's FallHelblinde
13Dreams Come TrueHelblinde
13Yoshino's BonerHelblinde 2016
13Memoria RebornHelblinde

The splits are as follows:

Weebuild Of Stamina - 1.11 (13) [340 Points Max]

13Vendita di MagiaSharpnelstreamz v2
13World Sound (Xephon)Sharpnelshortz
13Orbital StrikeHelblinde
13Complecks BabySharpnelstreamz v2
13Aim BurstRebuild of Sharpnel
13Grief & MaliceHelblinde
13Heaven's FallHelblinde
13Yoshino's BonerHelblinde 2016

Weebuild Of Stamina - 2.22 (13) [338 Points Max]

13RAVE2000009Sharpnelstreamz v2
13Lost in SingularityHelblinde 2016
13HeroHelblinde 2016
13Die NowSharpnelstreamz v2
13G.K.SurviverSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1
13MmmmmmmSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1
13A Reyvateil's CurseHelblinde
13Dreams Come TrueHelblinde

Weebuild Of Stamina - 3.33 (13) [321 Points Max]

13For YouSharpnelstreamz v2
13Touch the AngelSharpnelstreamz v2
13Locus (Helblinde Remix)Helblinde
13LinuksSharpnelstreamz v2
13BF2014Rebuild of Sharpnel
13Summer TriangleHelblinde 2016
13Memoria RebornHelblinde


Human Instrumentality Project (23) [1000 Points Max]

16EvaquatedSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2
17Takecore of YourselfSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2
17War in the Dance (DJ Sharpnel Remix)BaguetteStreamz
18End Of The WorldFrench Coast Stamina 2
18I Love LSDThe Apocalypse Sampler
18Pacific GirlsJimmy Jawns
18Phantasmal BlazeStamina Showcase
18Over the Fullereneshift Oh Henry!Oh Henry! Mad Stamina
18AnimegabbattleSharpnelstreamz v2
18He Was AloneSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2
18Black ChocolatesJimmy Jawns
18LonginusCirque du Enzo
19Mind GrinderScrapyard Kent
19After End Start BeforeScrapyard Kent
19The New ConciousnessPsychedelia
19The MaskPsychedelia
19FASTER Animu MusicFrench Coast Stamina 2
19In my life, my mind Oh Henry!Oh Henry! Mad Stamina
20Cosmic EnergyScrapyard Kent
20First Trip???
21Penultimate Trip???

The splits are as follows:

Human Instrumentality Project - First Impact (22) [344 Points Max]

16EvaquatedSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2
18End Of The WorldFrench Coast Stamina 2
18AnimegabbattleSharpnelstreamz v2
18LonginusCirque du Enzo
19After End Start BeforeScrapyard Kent
19FASTER Animu MusicFrench Coast Stamina 2
20Cosmic EnergyScrapyard Kent

Human Instrumentality Project - Second Impact (21) [323 Points Max]

17Takecore of YourselfSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2
18Pacific GirlsJimmy Jawns
18Over the Fullereneshift Oh Henry!Oh Henry! Mad Stamina
18He Was AloneSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2
19Mind GrinderScrapyard Kent
19The MaskPsychedelia
20First Trip???

Human Instrumentality Project - Third Impact (22) [332 Points Max]

17War in the Dance (DJ Sharpnel Remix)BaguetteStreamz
18I Love LSDThe Apocalypse Sampler
18Phantasmal BlazeStamina Showcase
18Black ChocolatesJimmy Jawns
19The New ConciousnessPsychedelia
19In my life, my mind Oh Henry!Oh Henry! Mad Stamina
21Penultimate Trip???

Set 2: Raw Output

Each team gets 4 hours to try to pass as many of the songs on the list for the team's respective division. Score does not matter. Each song counts only one time, so there's no reason to replay anything. You may change out whoever is playing at any time, provided it is not during a song (I had considered allowing this, but ultimately decided against it). You may not play while someone else is playing a song to warm up-- part of the challenge is coming up with a strategy for your player rotation to stay warmed up without burning out!

You do not get dedicated warmup time for the raw output set. This means you cannot play prior to the set on the calendar date that you're attempting it.

Each song is worth a certain amount of points, and that is determined as follows:

Points = (Steps^1.05*Stream%*BPM Multiplier)^(1+((Difficulty-(LowestDivisionDifficulty-1))/100))/PointConstant


Steps = Number of steps in the chart
Stream% = Percent of measures of stream versus total measures in the chart
Difficulty = Block level of chart.
PointConstant = This is just a value to scale things such that the 'best possible set' in each division is worth roughly 1000 points (This helps us avoid having to normalize scores).

Basically, though, all you need to know is that denser, longer, faster songs at higher ratings are worth more than shorter, less dense, slower songs at lower ratings. Also, to reiterate, you only get points if you pass the song.

The spreadsheet provided with the pack handles all these calculations for you-- all you need to do is take the ID from the first column on the Songlist tab and enter that into the second column on your scoresheet for each song your team passes. You can optionally enter the name of the team member who passed the song in the first column on the scoresheet, which will automatically calculate some extra metrics just for fun if you also fill in the team members on the far right section.

If this is too much trouble, all you need to do is write down or type up what songs you pass in your set and I'd be happy to take care of the data entry and score tracking for you after you're done your set. Just send the information my way! If you keep track of who passed what song, I can give some more interesting statistics, so try to do that if you can manage.

IMPORTANT: You may ONLY select a song if you have enough time left to complete it. I don't expect you to predict song load time or anything, so as long as the timer says you have enough time when you proceed from the mods menu, that's fine.

MORE IMPORTANT: If you back out of a song, you do not get the points for the song. Nice try.

EQUALLY IMPORTANT: Each song is only worth points once. Duplicate passes on a song do not get you additional points.

The list of songs each division can select is below.


12September RainTranceMania 3
12The Ones We Loved (Dogzilla Remix)TranceMania 3
12VisionsPendulum Act II
12Theme From the RockZarkonic Originals
12Sands of Evolution (Paul Vinitsky Remix)TranceMania
12Listen Feel EnjoyTranceMania 2
12Pernicious DeedNav's Spicy Singles
12AirisVocaJawnz II
12Electric AngelVocaJawnz
12Go Beat CrazyEurobeat Is Fantastic
12PamelaEurobeat Is Fantastic
12Wheelpower & GoEurobeat Is Fantastic
12Cloud NineI Have No Feet and I Must Stream
12Speedy RunnerEurobeat Is Fantastic
12The Final HourCirque du Zeppelin
12UnfoldingI Have No Feet and I Must Stream
12Vortex InfinitumCirque du Zeppelin
12Crystal MoonlightMozee Metal
12Stay Alive (Jun Kuroda Bootleg Remix)Cirque du Enzo
13No ShieldsSlowStreamz
13Surrender (Nhato Remix)You're Streaming Again
13Switch !Eurobeat Is Fantastic
13Viola 2005 (Tek^tonik Remix)TranceMania 3
13Mental HotlineSlowStreamz
13Over AgainWubstream
13Deja VuEurobeat Is Fantastic
13Killing My LoveEurobeat Is Fantastic
13Blood ErrorVocaJawnz II
13The TopEurobeat Is Fantastic
13Beamsabre Beat Zero v2 Mega Man X2Cirque du Zeppelin
13Dreamy and Boisterous Holy LandTrails of Cold Stream II
13StrongerNav's Spicy Singles
13Not FoundVocaJawnz II
13Sakura Fubuki (Ata Remix)ITGAlex's Stamina Safari
13Ninelie (REDSHiFT x Vesuvia Remix)Cirque du Enzo
13Plus BoyVocaJawnz II
13Ashen ParadiseSSSC2
13A Parenthisis in EternitySSSC2
13DegenerationVocaJawnz II
14Spirit The AtomSlowStreamz
14Let's Go, Come OnEurobeat Is Fantastic
14Deep SequenceTranceNation
14Gas Gas GasEurobeat Is Fantastic
14Beloved JulietaITGAlex's Stamina Safari
14SunlightEurobeat Is Fantastic
14HooligansEurobeat Is Fantastic
14When the Sun Goes DownEurobeat Is Fantastic
14The Fourth LegacyKamelot
14Engage (Radio Edit)Cirque du Zeppelin
14Parodia SonatinaITGAlex's Stamina Safari
14ResetI Have No Feet and I Must Stream
14squartatriceCirque du Enzo
14Buzz Steps Get BassSharpnelstreamz v2
14Cmd+Ctrl+CSharpnelstreamz v2
14Future Never DiesITGAlex's Stamina Safari
14Over the LimitVocaJawnz II
14Dark Comet's ReignRhapsody of Fire
14The Black MareMozee Max Metals
14Together As OneSharpnelstreamz v2
15HallucinogenFrench Coast Stamina 2
15Night Of Fire v2Eurobeat Is Fantastic
15Rockin' HardcoreEurobeat Is Fantastic
15Zusammengehorigkeit Hommarju RemixBaguetteStreamz
15Les HistoiresScrapyard Kent
15Eye of the Storm (Part 1 - Escape)You're Streaming Again
15Atrocious RaidTrails of Cold Stream
15Bright StarYou're Streaming Forever
15The Words I Never Said in D&BI Have No Feet and I Must Stream
15MasochistPendulum Act II
15Get Over the Barrier! (-Evolution!!-)Trails of Cold Stream II
15ParallelsVocaJawnz II
15So Sweet Bitter DaysBetwixt & Between
15Illusion (Sunrize Mix)You're Streaming Forever
15Circus BlackMozee Max Metals
15AO-INFINITYCirque du Enzo
15Overwatch Main ThemeCirque du Enzo
15Miracle RoseVocaJawnz II
15Fragments of MemoriesVocaJawnz II
15Zelda's BonerHelblinde 2016
15Elemental PowerMozee Max Metals
15Re-Construction EX-001Lolistyle GabberS
16Eurobeat Is Fantastic ~Part 3~Eurobeat Is Fantastic
16DespairFrench Coast Stamina 2
16Heaven (kors k 170 Bootleg)ITGAlex's Stamina Safari
16Meteor ShowerCirque du Enzo
16Space DustBaguetteStreamz
16Black RoomPsychedelia
16Heretic WitchSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2
16NousJimmy Jawns 3
16Don't Touch The KoreSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1
16Dive ArchiveITGAlex's Stamina Safari
16Night skyITGAlex's Stamina Safari
16Dignity -alzando-Cirque du Enzo
16NUCLEAR-STARCirque du Enzo
16MEGA BONERHelblinde 2016
16Yasuha KominamiJimmy Jawns 3
16Deus ex MachinaCirque du Enzo
17Funk It! + NN + So Damn Tough! Mash-UpPsychedelia
17Space BoxScrapyard Kent
17The Fall of IcarusITGAlex's Stamina Safari
17Lambda FighterLolistyle GabberS
17FLJimmy Jawns 3
17Nergal BurningRebuild of Sharpnel
17I Miss YouTrails of Cold Stream
17Subconscious Girl Koishi (monochromed)Rebuild of Sharpnel
17SwampITGAlex's Stamina Safari
17ESE LOVE MUSICCirque du Enzo
17Savior of Song (Zekk Remix)ITGAlex's Stamina Safari
17Fight To Be FreeDragonforce SSJ2
17Mishima MecanicaRebuild of Sharpnel
17VerginaRebuild of Sharpnel


16HimitsuScrapyard Kent
16IncompleteCirque du Enzo
16KamsheenBetwixt & Between
16Survive Or PerishCirque du Enzo
16LiberationBetwixt & Between
16From That Day PrologueLolistyle GabberS
16ReunionNav's Spicy Singles
16Dawn of the Kore (XAVI BCN Remix)SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1
16Ready to Die Between StarsMozee Max Metals
16FuwatanityRebuild of Sharpnel
16Aeria of SilverVocaJawnz II
16Master MaidSharpnelstreamz v2
16The Rise of Pre-teen HomosexualsHelblinde 2016
16Imagine BreakerHelblinde
16Ad Futuram Rei MemoriamMozee Max Metals
16T-Minus 0Cirque du Enzo
17AnimaniacsScrapyard Kent
17Evening EpidemicPendulum Act III
17Perfect HappinessScrapyard Kent
17Extrasolar PlanetsScrapyard Kent
17Try N BaseScrapyard Kent
17Destination TalosCranked Pastry
17Subaru in the WindRebuild of Sharpnel
17HydraBetwixt & Between
17Last SamuraiScrapyard Kent
17Don't Be Defeated By A Friend! (Super Arrange)Trails of Cold Stream II
17CatoblepasITGAlex's Stamina Safari
17Breaking the HabitJimmy Jawns 2
17SynchrockersLolistyle GabberS
17Over the TopCirque du Enzo
17Little LiesITGAlex's Stamina Safari
17ANOMALYCuties Party
17The Last BattleThe Apocalypse Sampler
17Long InvulnerabilityITGAlex's Stamina Safari
17Zap Your ChannelRebuild of Sharpnel
18Call Of BeautyBaguetteStreamz
18White LagunaScrapyard Kent
18Trails of Cold Stream FC (Part 5)Trails of Cold Stream II
18^/7(L|?[_(L+#<>+&|^(o)ITGAlex's Stamina Safari
18Shihen (Piece of Poetry)SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2
18Marunouchi SurviverSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1
18Hello Dangdut (Kubus Hardfunk Remix)Jimmy Jawns 3
18TeknologikScrapyard Kent
18We Luv LamaRebuild of Sharpnel
18Extreme Panchira FlashLolistyle GabberS
18You Don't Know WhatJimmy Jawns 2
18StrangeprogramSHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2
18Ghetto BlastBaguetteStreamz
18NINJA IS DEADITGAlex's Stamina Safari
18The Lightning SwordITGAlex's Stamina Safari
18Send My Love to MarsJimmy Jawns 3
19Trails of Cold Stream FC (Part 3)Trails of Cold Stream II
19Extraterrestrial PuddingScrapyard Kent
19One More Lovely (After After Hours)Crapyard Scent
19Trails of Cold Stream SC (Part 4)Trails of Cold Stream II
19The BellITGAlex's Stamina Safari
19Try AgainPsychedelia
19Mental Spectrum HackerITGAlex's Stamina Safari
19Intense Chase (Super Arrange)Trails of Cold Stream II
19Mystic PsyTerrorSPEEEDCOOOORE 6
19Kuru Kuru Ki KiBetwixt & Between
19Sayonara Planet WarsITGAlex's Stamina Safari
19DaydreamerWubstream 2
19Struggle In Your Room With J.Jimmy Jawns 2
19Mario-chi SurvivorTachyon Epsilon
20SpacetimePsychedelia 2
20Chaos TheoryMasochisma Mark 1
20Trails of Cold Stream SC (Part 5)Trails of Cold Stream II
20SevenScrapyard Kent
20Metal SquadStamina Selects
20Out Of TimePsychedelia
20Animetek_Vol. 1Lolistyle GabberS
20is it?ITGAlex's Stamina Safari
20Heisei MemehuntersITGAlex's Stamina Safari
20RagnarokITGAlex's Stamina Safari
20The GameDragonforce SSJ2
20Concentrate All Firepower!! (Evolution)Trails of Cold Stream II
20We Want To RunITGAlex's Stamina Safari
21Cranked Pastry Megamix (Side B)Psychedelia
21Scared FrequenciesScrapyard Kent
21Lunar EclipsePsychedelia
21Kuusuo MisorogiwiMasochisma Mark 1
21Astral ReaperITGAlex's Stamina Safari
21HypercolliderITGAlex's Stamina Safari
21Omakeno Stroke (HARI KARI REMIX)Jimmy Jawns 3
21I'm A Maid (C-type Remix)Rebuild of Sharpnel
21Shakunetsu Candle Master TomosyConfetto
22120 Little Fragments of SilenceMasochisma Mark 1
22eat it up, boi!???
22Groovy Rollercoaster Acid TripPsychedelia 2
22Maybe it was fated (instrumental ver.)Trails of Cold Stream II
23Chipspeed AllstarsFrench Coast Stamina 3
23Dlaczego Tak Daleko???
23A Mighty PowerTrails of Cold Stream II
23Speed of Link???
24ParallaxPsychedelia 2
24Severe BlowTrails of Cold Stream II
24South BankBangerZ

Acknowledgments: Huge thanks to Sam, Jim, and Chino, who basically busted ass at my nagging to finish Scrapyard Kent so that I wouldn't have to pre-release any more charts from it. And thanks to myself for that too. Wow that sucked.

Thanks also to ITGAlex, Nav, Rems, Arvin, Okami, and anyone else I'm forgetting that provided unreleased material to me to use in the tournament. Awesome to have some fun, fresh new stuff to use.

Lastly, I just wanna say how deeply I appreciate all of the support and interest everyone has shown in these tournaments over the years. It means a lot.

Please don't hesitate to contact me on here or on Facebook with any questions or concerns-- I'll usually respond quickest if you reach out to me on FB. There may be playing scenarios I haven't thought of or something I haven't explained clearly enough, so definitely speak up; it'll be helpful to everyone if you do so.