What is ECS6.5?:
ECS6.5 is the eleventh (after ECS1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, and 6) tournament in the East Coast Stamina series. The objective is to try to clear as many of the hardest stamina charts as you can within the format of the tournament. It is a team tournament, and you may enter it on a team of up to three individuals.
Once again, since this isn't a "main" ECS (like, one of the whole number ones), it's going to be split into an upper and lower division to make it more accessible to a wider range of participants.
Entrants can submit their sets at any time BEFORE May 14th, 2018 to count towards the ranking. Within that timeframe, when and where they do this is at their discretion, so long as they adhere to the rules detailed further on.
Wherever. Any ITG machine that's running an ITG theme and not the StomperZ one. Stepmania 5 is acceptable as long as you're using ITG's life/scoring mechanics (using the Simply Love theme on Competitive mode is the easiest way to accomplish that).
What are the prizes?:
- Each player that competes gets a special ECS6.5 poster.
- The members of each team in the lower division that breaks 1100 total points between their marathons and their Raw Output set (after scaling) get a special ECS6.5 shirt.
- The members of each team in the upper division that breaks 700 total points between their marathons and their Raw Output set (after scaling) get a more special ECS6.5 shirt.
- Each member of a team of my choosing from each division that I note as having performed especially well relative to their skill level gets a special, three of a kind poster.
- Each member of the winning team of each division gets a special, three of a kind poster and a trophy.
Keep in mind it'll probably take me a while to mail everything once the tournament is over.
ECS6.5 is a team tournament split into an Upper Division and a Lower Division, with two portions to the tournament for each division.
- Teams are comprised of up to three individuals total; deciding who to team up with is up to you.
- It is strongly preferred that you enter with people you are able to play on the same machine with, but in special cases, if you advise me in advance, I will permit you to play on separate machines. This is really only an issue for the Raw Output set; you must coordinate between your other team members if they're not playing at the same place as you to ensure that you are not playing songs at the same time on different machines, or else you're giving yourself an unfair advantage over other competitors. I would recommend streaming to each other if possible or at least using messaging to make sure you know when you can start your next song. Again, it is strictly against the rules for two different people on a team to be playing songs at the same time during Raw Output. You may also take the approach of just dividing your four hour block up amongst your team, but it goes without saying this puts you at a disadvantage in terms of efficiency.
- Each entrant can enter on up to two teams for EACH of the Upper and Lower divisions, but they are not eligible for duplicate prizes (meaning if I were to enter on the maximum of four teams, and all of the teams happen to win the same prize, I only get that prize one time rather than four times)
- There is no concept of 'local ranking' versus 'remote ranking' in this tournament-- each division has its own ranking, period, and all teams entering are eligible for winnings regardless of where they play.
- The lower division has songs in it from 12s-17s and marathons made up of 13s. It is recommended that you at least be comfortable with 13s if you're going to enter. If you/your team fails the marathon(s), it will still count towards your team's marathon total, however.
- The upper division has songs from 16s-24s and a marathon with charts ranging from 16s to 21s. It's recommended that you be able to pass at least a few lower 18s on command if you're going to enter the upper division.
- C-mods are legal. Mirror/other turn mods are legal. No Mines is legal. Any mods that add or subtract arrows, holds, or rolls-- those are not.
- You may rate mod songs, but only at rates that are at or above 1.0x, and you will not receive any point bonus for doing so.
- Bracketing/mashing is not permitted in any portion of the tournament.
- You must compete on ITG. The StomperZ theme is not allowed due to different life and scoring metrics.
- You may turn off way-offs and decents (it will only really help you in the marathon portion, though).
Set 1: Marathon
Each division has ONE marathon this year. You have two options on how you approach the marathon.
- Play the full marathon as a group. You may switch between team members between each song. You may not switch team members mid-song-- you can only do it at the beginning or end. Each member must play at least one song.
- Each team member plays at least one of the provided marathon splits in its entirety solo. If you're a team of three, that means each member plays one. If you're a team of two, one person plays one and the other plays two. If you're a team of one, you play all three. I'll be calculating your team's score based off of the combined DP across the three splits.
Your team gets 30 minutes to split up however you want to warm up for your marathon (if you're doing option 2 and splitting it up individually, each team member gets 30 minutes). If you fail, or you are just dissatisfied with your score, you may reattempt the marathon(s) as many times as you like or can manage before May 13th. However, you cannot try more than once in the same day (defined as any time that falls on the same calendar date as the initial attempt). This also means you cannot play prior to your 30 minutes of warm-up on any day you plan to attempt the marathon.
If you're going with option 1, during the marathon ONLY, you may have team members play on the unused pad to stay warm. You are still not allowed to do this during Raw Output.
The points yielded by the marathons/splits are based off of the max points for each marathon/split * the score obtained on it.
The marathons are as follows:

Weebuild Of Stamina (13) [1000 Points Max]
13 | Vendita di Magia | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | RAVE2000009 | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | For You | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | Lost in Singularity | Helblinde 2016 |
13 | Touch the Angel | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | World Sound (Xephon) | Sharpnelshortz |
13 | Orbital Strike | Helblinde |
13 | Locus (Helblinde Remix) | Helblinde |
13 | Hero | Helblinde 2016 |
13 | Complecks Baby | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | Die Now | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | Monado | Helblinde |
13 | Linuks | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | Aim Burst | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
13 | G.K.Surviver | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1 |
13 | BF2014 | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
13 | Mmmmmmm | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1 |
13 | Grief & Malice | Helblinde |
13 | A Reyvateil's Curse | Helblinde |
13 | Summer Triangle | Helblinde 2016 |
13 | Heaven's Fall | Helblinde |
13 | Dreams Come True | Helblinde |
13 | Yoshino's Boner | Helblinde 2016 |
13 | Memoria Reborn | Helblinde |
The splits are as follows:

Weebuild Of Stamina - 1.11 (13) [340 Points Max]
13 | Vendita di Magia | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | World Sound (Xephon) | Sharpnelshortz |
13 | Orbital Strike | Helblinde |
13 | Complecks Baby | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | Aim Burst | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
13 | Grief & Malice | Helblinde |
13 | Heaven's Fall | Helblinde |
13 | Yoshino's Boner | Helblinde 2016 |

Weebuild Of Stamina - 2.22 (13) [338 Points Max]
13 | RAVE2000009 | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | Lost in Singularity | Helblinde 2016 |
13 | Hero | Helblinde 2016 |
13 | Die Now | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | G.K.Surviver | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1 |
13 | Mmmmmmm | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1 |
13 | A Reyvateil's Curse | Helblinde |
13 | Dreams Come True | Helblinde |

Weebuild Of Stamina - 3.33 (13) [321 Points Max]
13 | For You | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | Touch the Angel | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | Locus (Helblinde Remix) | Helblinde |
13 | Monado | Helblinde |
13 | Linuks | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
13 | BF2014 | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
13 | Summer Triangle | Helblinde 2016 |
13 | Memoria Reborn | Helblinde |

Human Instrumentality Project (23) [1000 Points Max]
16 | Evaquated | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2 |
17 | Takecore of Yourself | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2 |
17 | War in the Dance (DJ Sharpnel Remix) | BaguetteStreamz |
18 | End Of The World | French Coast Stamina 2 |
18 | I Love LSD | The Apocalypse Sampler |
18 | Pacific Girls | Jimmy Jawns |
18 | Phantasmal Blaze | Stamina Showcase |
18 | Over the Fullereneshift Oh Henry! | Oh Henry! Mad Stamina |
18 | Animegabbattle | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
18 | He Was Alone | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2 |
18 | Black Chocolates | Jimmy Jawns |
18 | Longinus | Cirque du Enzo |
19 | Mind Grinder | Scrapyard Kent |
19 | After End Start Before | Scrapyard Kent |
19 | The New Conciousness | Psychedelia |
19 | The Mask | Psychedelia |
19 | FASTER Animu Music | French Coast Stamina 2 |
19 | In my life, my mind Oh Henry! | Oh Henry! Mad Stamina |
20 | Cosmic Energy | Scrapyard Kent |
20 | First Trip | ??? |
21 | Penultimate Trip | ??? |
The splits are as follows:

Human Instrumentality Project - First Impact (22) [344 Points Max]
16 | Evaquated | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2 |
18 | End Of The World | French Coast Stamina 2 |
18 | Animegabbattle | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
18 | Longinus | Cirque du Enzo |
19 | After End Start Before | Scrapyard Kent |
19 | FASTER Animu Music | French Coast Stamina 2 |
20 | Cosmic Energy | Scrapyard Kent |

Human Instrumentality Project - Second Impact (21) [323 Points Max]
17 | Takecore of Yourself | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2 |
18 | Pacific Girls | Jimmy Jawns |
18 | Over the Fullereneshift Oh Henry! | Oh Henry! Mad Stamina |
18 | He Was Alone | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2 |
19 | Mind Grinder | Scrapyard Kent |
19 | The Mask | Psychedelia |
20 | First Trip | ??? |

Human Instrumentality Project - Third Impact (22) [332 Points Max]
17 | War in the Dance (DJ Sharpnel Remix) | BaguetteStreamz |
18 | I Love LSD | The Apocalypse Sampler |
18 | Phantasmal Blaze | Stamina Showcase |
18 | Black Chocolates | Jimmy Jawns |
19 | The New Conciousness | Psychedelia |
19 | In my life, my mind Oh Henry! | Oh Henry! Mad Stamina |
21 | Penultimate Trip | ??? |
Set 2: Raw Output
Each team gets 4 hours to try to pass as many of the songs on the list for the team's respective division. Score does not matter. Each song counts only one time, so there's no reason to replay anything. You may change out whoever is playing at any time, provided it is not during a song (I had considered allowing this, but ultimately decided against it). You may not play while someone else is playing a song to warm up-- part of the challenge is coming up with a strategy for your player rotation to stay warmed up without burning out!
You do not get dedicated warmup time for the raw output set. This means you cannot play prior to the set on the calendar date that you're attempting it.
Each song is worth a certain amount of points, and that is determined as follows:
Points = (Steps^1.05*Stream%*BPM Multiplier)^(1+((Difficulty-(LowestDivisionDifficulty-1))/100))/PointConstant
Steps = Number of steps in the chart
Stream% = Percent of measures of stream versus total measures in the chart
Difficulty = Block level of chart.
PointConstant = This is just a value to scale things such that the 'best possible set' in each division is worth roughly 1000 points (This helps us avoid having to normalize scores).
Basically, though, all you need to know is that denser, longer, faster songs at higher ratings are worth more than shorter, less dense, slower songs at lower ratings. Also, to reiterate, you only get points if you pass the song.
The spreadsheet provided with the pack handles all these calculations for you-- all you need to do is take the ID from the first column on the Songlist tab and enter that into the second column on your scoresheet for each song your team passes. You can optionally enter the name of the team member who passed the song in the first column on the scoresheet, which will automatically calculate some extra metrics just for fun if you also fill in the team members on the far right section.
If this is too much trouble, all you need to do is write down or type up what songs you pass in your set and I'd be happy to take care of the data entry and score tracking for you after you're done your set. Just send the information my way! If you keep track of who passed what song, I can give some more interesting statistics, so try to do that if you can manage.
IMPORTANT: You may ONLY select a song if you have enough time left to complete it. I don't expect you to predict song load time or anything, so as long as the timer says you have enough time when you proceed from the mods menu, that's fine.
MORE IMPORTANT: If you back out of a song, you do not get the points for the song. Nice try.
EQUALLY IMPORTANT: Each song is only worth points once. Duplicate passes on a song do not get you additional points.
The list of songs each division can select is below.
12 | September Rain | TranceMania 3 |
12 | The Ones We Loved (Dogzilla Remix) | TranceMania 3 |
12 | Visions | Pendulum Act II |
12 | Theme From the Rock | Zarkonic Originals |
12 | Sands of Evolution (Paul Vinitsky Remix) | TranceMania |
12 | Listen Feel Enjoy | TranceMania 2 |
12 | Pernicious Deed | Nav's Spicy Singles |
12 | Airis | VocaJawnz II |
12 | Electric Angel | VocaJawnz |
12 | Go Beat Crazy | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
12 | Pamela | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
12 | Wheelpower & Go | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
12 | Cloud Nine | I Have No Feet and I Must Stream |
12 | Speedy Runner | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
12 | The Final Hour | Cirque du Zeppelin |
12 | Unfolding | I Have No Feet and I Must Stream |
12 | R.E.M. III | SSSC1 |
12 | Vortex Infinitum | Cirque du Zeppelin |
12 | Crystal Moonlight | Mozee Metal |
12 | Stay Alive (Jun Kuroda Bootleg Remix) | Cirque du Enzo |
13 | No Shields | SlowStreamz |
13 | Surrender (Nhato Remix) | You're Streaming Again |
13 | Valyrian | TranceNation |
13 | Ecstasy | TranceNation |
13 | Switch ! | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
13 | Elysium | SlowStreamz |
13 | Viola 2005 (Tek^tonik Remix) | TranceMania 3 |
13 | Mental Hotline | SlowStreamz |
13 | Over Again | Wubstream |
13 | Deja Vu | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
13 | Killing My Love | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
13 | Blood Error | VocaJawnz II |
13 | The Top | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
13 | Beamsabre Beat Zero v2 Mega Man X2 | Cirque du Zeppelin |
13 | Dreamy and Boisterous Holy Land | Trails of Cold Stream II |
13 | Winter | SSSC2 |
13 | Stronger | Nav's Spicy Singles |
13 | Not Found | VocaJawnz II |
13 | Sakura Fubuki (Ata Remix) | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
13 | Ninelie (REDSHiFT x Vesuvia Remix) | Cirque du Enzo |
13 | Plus Boy | VocaJawnz II |
13 | Ashen Paradise | SSSC2 |
13 | A Parenthisis in Eternity | SSSC2 |
13 | Degeneration | VocaJawnz II |
14 | Dreamenddischarger | SlowStreamz |
14 | Spirit The Atom | SlowStreamz |
14 | Let's Go, Come On | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
14 | Deep Sequence | TranceNation |
14 | Gas Gas Gas | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
14 | Beloved Julieta | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
14 | Sunlight | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
14 | Hooligans | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
14 | When the Sun Goes Down | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
14 | The Fourth Legacy | Kamelot |
14 | Engage (Radio Edit) | Cirque du Zeppelin |
14 | Parodia Sonatina | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
14 | Imperial | Noisiastreamz |
14 | Tension | Hospitality |
14 | Reset | I Have No Feet and I Must Stream |
14 | squartatrice | Cirque du Enzo |
14 | Buzz Steps Get Bass | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
14 | Cmd+Ctrl+C | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
14 | Future Never Dies | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
14 | Over the Limit | VocaJawnz II |
14 | Dark Comet's Reign | Rhapsody of Fire |
14 | The Black Mare | Mozee Max Metals |
14 | Together As One | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
15 | Hallucinogen | French Coast Stamina 2 |
15 | Night Of Fire v2 | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
15 | Rockin' Hardcore | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
15 | Zusammengehorigkeit Hommarju Remix | BaguetteStreamz |
15 | Les Histoires | Scrapyard Kent |
15 | Eye of the Storm (Part 1 - Escape) | You're Streaming Again |
15 | Atrocious Raid | Trails of Cold Stream |
15 | Bright Star | You're Streaming Forever |
15 | The Words I Never Said in D&B | I Have No Feet and I Must Stream |
15 | Masochist | Pendulum Act II |
15 | Wrong | Hospitality |
15 | Get Over the Barrier! (-Evolution!!-) | Trails of Cold Stream II |
15 | Parallels | VocaJawnz II |
15 | So Sweet Bitter Days | Betwixt & Between |
15 | Illusion (Sunrize Mix) | You're Streaming Forever |
15 | Circus Black | Mozee Max Metals |
15 | AO-INFINITY | Cirque du Enzo |
15 | Overwatch Main Theme | Cirque du Enzo |
15 | Miracle Rose | VocaJawnz II |
15 | Fragments of Memories | VocaJawnz II |
15 | Zelda's Boner | Helblinde 2016 |
15 | Elemental Power | Mozee Max Metals |
15 | Re-Construction EX-001 | Lolistyle GabberS |
16 | Eurobeat Is Fantastic ~Part 3~ | Eurobeat Is Fantastic |
16 | Despair | French Coast Stamina 2 |
16 | Initialize | Psychedelia |
16 | Heaven (kors k 170 Bootleg) | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
16 | Moonstone | Psychedelia |
16 | Meteor Shower | Cirque du Enzo |
16 | Space Dust | BaguetteStreamz |
16 | Black Room | Psychedelia |
16 | Heretic Witch | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2 |
16 | Nous | Jimmy Jawns 3 |
16 | Don't Touch The Kore | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1 |
16 | Dive Archive | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
16 | Night sky | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
16 | Dignity -alzando- | Cirque du Enzo |
16 | NUCLEAR-STAR | Cirque du Enzo |
16 | Disconnected | Helblinde |
16 | MEGA BONER | Helblinde 2016 |
16 | Yasuha Kominami | Jimmy Jawns 3 |
16 | Deus ex Machina | Cirque du Enzo |
17 | Neurostreamz | BaguetteStreamz |
17 | Funk It! + NN + So Damn Tough! Mash-Up | Psychedelia |
17 | Space Box | Scrapyard Kent |
17 | The Fall of Icarus | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
17 | Lambda Fighter | Lolistyle GabberS |
17 | FL | Jimmy Jawns 3 |
17 | Nergal Burning | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
17 | I Miss You | Trails of Cold Stream |
17 | Subconscious Girl Koishi (monochromed) | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
17 | Swamp | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
17 | ESE LOVE MUSIC | Cirque du Enzo |
17 | Savior of Song (Zekk Remix) | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
17 | Fight To Be Free | Dragonforce SSJ2 |
17 | Mishima Mecanica | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
17 | Vergina | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
16 | Himitsu | Scrapyard Kent |
16 | Incomplete | Cirque du Enzo |
16 | Kamsheen | Betwixt & Between |
16 | Survive Or Perish | Cirque du Enzo |
16 | Liberation | Betwixt & Between |
16 | From That Day Prologue | Lolistyle GabberS |
16 | Reunion | Nav's Spicy Singles |
16 | Dawn of the Kore (XAVI BCN Remix) | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1 |
16 | Ready to Die Between Stars | Mozee Max Metals |
16 | Fuwatanity | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
16 | Aeria of Silver | VocaJawnz II |
16 | Master Maid | Sharpnelstreamz v2 |
16 | The Rise of Pre-teen Homosexuals | Helblinde 2016 |
16 | Imagine Breaker | Helblinde |
16 | Ad Futuram Rei Memoriam | Mozee Max Metals |
16 | T-Minus 0 | Cirque du Enzo |
17 | Animaniacs | Scrapyard Kent |
17 | Evening Epidemic | Pendulum Act III |
17 | Perfect Happiness | Scrapyard Kent |
17 | Extrasolar Planets | Scrapyard Kent |
17 | Try N Base | Scrapyard Kent |
17 | Destination Talos | Cranked Pastry |
17 | Subaru in the Wind | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
17 | Hydra | Betwixt & Between |
17 | Last Samurai | Scrapyard Kent |
17 | Don't Be Defeated By A Friend! (Super Arrange) | Trails of Cold Stream II |
17 | Catoblepas | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
17 | Breaking the Habit | Jimmy Jawns 2 |
17 | Synchrockers | Lolistyle GabberS |
17 | Over the Top | Cirque du Enzo |
17 | Little Lies | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
17 | ANOMALY | Cuties Party |
17 | The Last Battle | The Apocalypse Sampler |
17 | Long Invulnerability | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
17 | Zap Your Channel | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
18 | Call Of Beauty | BaguetteStreamz |
18 | White Laguna | Scrapyard Kent |
18 | Universe | Psychedelia |
18 | Trails of Cold Stream FC (Part 5) | Trails of Cold Stream II |
18 | ^/7(L|?[_(L+#<>+&|^(o) | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
18 | Shihen (Piece of Poetry) | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2 |
18 | Marunouchi Surviver | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 1 |
18 | Indriya | Psychedelia |
18 | Hello Dangdut (Kubus Hardfunk Remix) | Jimmy Jawns 3 |
18 | Teknologik | Scrapyard Kent |
18 | We Luv Lama | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
18 | Extreme Panchira Flash | Lolistyle GabberS |
18 | You Don't Know What | Jimmy Jawns 2 |
18 | Strangeprogram | SHARPNELSTREAMZ v3 Part 2 |
18 | Ghetto Blast | BaguetteStreamz |
18 | NINJA IS DEAD | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
18 | The Lightning Sword | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
18 | Send My Love to Mars | Jimmy Jawns 3 |
19 | Trails of Cold Stream FC (Part 3) | Trails of Cold Stream II |
19 | Extraterrestrial Pudding | Scrapyard Kent |
19 | One More Lovely (After After Hours) | Crapyard Scent |
19 | Trails of Cold Stream SC (Part 4) | Trails of Cold Stream II |
19 | The Bell | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
19 | Try Again | Psychedelia |
19 | Mental Spectrum Hacker | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
19 | Intense Chase (Super Arrange) | Trails of Cold Stream II |
19 | Mystic PsyTerror | SPEEEDCOOOORE 6 |
19 | Kuru Kuru Ki Ki | Betwixt & Between |
19 | Sayonara Planet Wars | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
19 | Daydreamer | Wubstream 2 |
19 | Struggle In Your Room With J. | Jimmy Jawns 2 |
19 | Mario-chi Survivor | Tachyon Epsilon |
20 | Spacetime | Psychedelia 2 |
20 | Chaos Theory | Masochisma Mark 1 |
20 | Trails of Cold Stream SC (Part 5) | Trails of Cold Stream II |
20 | Seven | Scrapyard Kent |
20 | Metal Squad | Stamina Selects |
20 | Out Of Time | Psychedelia |
20 | Animetek_Vol. 1 | Lolistyle GabberS |
20 | is it? | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
20 | Heisei Memehunters | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
20 | Ragnarok | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
20 | The Game | Dragonforce SSJ2 |
20 | Concentrate All Firepower!! (Evolution) | Trails of Cold Stream II |
20 | Madness | SPEEEDCOOOORE 4 |
20 | We Want To Run | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
21 | Cranked Pastry Megamix (Side B) | Psychedelia |
21 | Scared Frequencies | Scrapyard Kent |
21 | Lunar Eclipse | Psychedelia |
21 | Kuusuo Misorogiwi | Masochisma Mark 1 |
21 | Astral Reaper | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
21 | Hypercollider | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari |
21 | Omakeno Stroke (HARI KARI REMIX) | Jimmy Jawns 3 |
21 | I'm A Maid (C-type Remix) | Rebuild of Sharpnel |
21 | Shakunetsu Candle Master Tomosy | Confetto |
22 | 120 Little Fragments of Silence | Masochisma Mark 1 |
22 | eat it up, boi! | ??? |
22 | Groovy Rollercoaster Acid Trip | Psychedelia 2 |
22 | Maybe it was fated (instrumental ver.) | Trails of Cold Stream II |
23 | Chipspeed Allstars | French Coast Stamina 3 |
23 | Dlaczego Tak Daleko | ??? |
23 | A Mighty Power | Trails of Cold Stream II |
23 | Speed of Link | ??? |
24 | Parallax | Psychedelia 2 |
24 | Severe Blow | Trails of Cold Stream II |
24 | South Bank | BangerZ |
Acknowledgments: Huge thanks to Sam, Jim, and Chino, who basically busted ass at my nagging to finish Scrapyard Kent so that I wouldn't have to pre-release any more charts from it. And thanks to myself for that too. Wow that sucked.
Thanks also to ITGAlex, Nav, Rems, Arvin, Okami, and anyone else I'm forgetting that provided unreleased material to me to use in the tournament. Awesome to have some fun, fresh new stuff to use.
Lastly, I just wanna say how deeply I appreciate all of the support and interest everyone has shown in these tournaments over the years. It means a lot.
Please don't hesitate to contact me on here or on Facebook with any questions or concerns-- I'll usually respond quickest if you reach out to me on FB. There may be playing scenarios I haven't thought of or something I haven't explained clearly enough, so definitely speak up; it'll be helpful to everyone if you do so.