• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

View Region

Region: California (South) (CA)
Country: U.S.A.
Players in this region
# Name
1 heff
2 ISD.wtfbbqJOEY
3 (-.-)
4 ***BS***
5 .9kd
6 1ug1a
7 3s4Life
8 3Years
9 4fr0 n1nj4
10 4P_sALT
11 666
12 ?
13 ?!ZAX!?
14 absolutely-prfct
15 AFAD.sakuneko
16 ahchurro111
17 Aidil
18 airplane
19 alecksaur
21 AlexCilantro
22 Altari
23 alucard1423
24 AmphotericMB
25 AndreBorcceti
26 angelfox
27 Aoi
28 APKotu
29 Arec1275
30 ares2oo5
31 aresee
32 Aria
33 ArisB
34 ArkaneX.exe
35 ArmaRood
36 Arthur
37 asreyno2002
38 Aubright
39 Aurelian
40 AverageJoes.Dan
41 AXB
42 axxegzgmeo
43 azmodius
44 aznmnky
45 babyalan
46 babylonian
47 baddexample
48 Ban Any Percent WR
49 Bashumaru
50 bathsoap
51 BeeBoop
52 Belish
53 Benpai
54 BenpaiNoticedYou
56 BigC
57 BigYama
58 Billthinksusuck
59 blackpelt
60 Blake2009
61 Blake4Life
62 Blakes Brother
63 Blazewind
64 blazincalf
66 Bluexco
67 BradyRyan
68 Brandon J
69 brian devore
71 Bubbles
72 bumble.candle
73 butterchuck
74 Bywall
75 C0m37
76 C@RY
77 Calvin.Karu
78 camtheman1807
79 catcraze777
80 Cathadan
81 cdotd0tdot
82 CernaML
84 ChapoDick
85 chessxwizard
86 Christian Toro
87 ChronoBasher
88 Cinnaroll
89 clarkddr
90 cmg411
91 Cmone
92 Corgi
93 critical
94 Crufix
95 cryptcougar
97 CuloPapi
98 CVBree
99 CyberKitsune
100 DaggettOnTwitch
101 Dagon
102 Daikenkaiking
103 dama624
104 DAN!
105 danus
106 Danustek
107 Daphne
108 DarkChaos
109 Darklombax
110 DarkMonkey
111 darkn30
112 DarkWest
113 Darren Brar
114 DasaniX
115 datsmylolipop
116 Davidjlz
117 Dayani
118 ddrisawesome
119 ddrusa
120 delirium12
121 deluxehomes66
122 Deoxysapple
123 DF.Calvin
124 DF.Happy Feet!
125 Dickey
126 DIE
127 dinnerssbm
128 Dj Axel
130 dj Maki
131 dj raverbat
132 dj sky?
133 djchexxx
134 djmai
135 djtyrant
136 dlim
137 Dncemnky
138 dnsh
139 Doge
140 DogsPlan
141 DOME
142 DRE!
143 Dreamscape
144 DrHappyJax
145 drivingmarc1979
146 DT. Repulse
147 DT.Blake
148 dupjmf
149 Dyno (Tim)
150 edd1600
151 Eddie_J
152 eedeeq
153 El Feo
154 ElmoCountry
155 emartin93
156 emucchi
157 Enbymion
158 Endorian
159 erabldogzu
160 EX Pad Miss
161 Exai
162 Exofusion
163 Extc
164 Faceless
165 FaNcYb0t
166 fastboy
167 figgies
168 FINALmasa
169 FiR3 Maniac
170 FireWalk
171 flip
172 flirtyanon
173 Foolie
174 ForeverBlake
175 ForNorami
176 fpschunli
177 Franko_
178 Frijolero
179 frosty
180 FuriousDCSL
181 G-Spice
182 Ganon of SMITE!
183 GCushman
184 generalhooha
185 gg420
186 Gh0zt
187 ghostmachina
188 gintax
189 Gizzrd
191 godo
192 God_Has_Leeter_HaX_Then_U
193 Goggles
194 gqqjmu@itrkup.com
195 greatmart
196 greatscottbttfride121
197 GRGE.fascination
198 GTBC.Brazil
199 GTBC.chicky
200 GTBC.turtle
201 GTFOBluemysticunt
202 gunabehero
203 Hamlette
204 Hamster
205 handpeepole
206 Harmony
207 harujun
208 HAWK
209 hella
210 Henny
211 Hertage
212 HipHopNotik
213 Hito
214 Hokora Yinphine
215 holepigeon
216 homestar4000
217 HopesLastStand
218 hugepaint
220 IDAPW.Blake sucks balls
221 idontcarebear
222 IeMaXx
223 IHYD.DukAmok
224 IHYD.Hush
225 imlegendZzz
226 Imryel
228 INEJ
229 Ineno
230 InfernoplexTom
231 intecrato08
232 InternalScreams
233 InuGoku
234 Isaa.Kye
235 isaa.striker
236 isaa.tater tots
237 Isaiah Scaggs
238 itgvner
239 itsjusowl
240 izalayaxf
241 J.L itg
242 jadis
243 jaeiwnl
244 Jaenbeorht
245 JameVesir
246 January 23rd
247 Janus5k
248 Jarem24
249 jasonresurrection87
250 jaybof
251 JDARXOdietoxXO2
252 JEdiNitE
253 Jello
254 jellybeane
255 jetrevolver
256 JeWziLLa
257 JJK
258 JOHN
259 jojobii
260 joker
261 joker57
262 jonchang
263 Jonlee
264 Joselu
265 joselusandoval
266 JSteph
267 JuanPabloX
268 JulezJP
269 jwong11
270 jxjppmcsemd
271 Jynx
272 Kaotical
273 Kasser
274 Kaye
275 Keaize
276 Keller
277 ken-nay
278 kenji-
279 KevinDGAF
280 kfiri
281 kidboo377
282 kilo
283 king kong
284 kire
285 kirisame
286 Ko7a
287 kodensa
288 Konehiita
289 KoNr
290 Koopah
292 Kr1sd3la0
293 kurenai
295 KwangJae
296 KyokiShinsa
297 l337P373
298 L33T
299 LadyShard
300 LanceofX
301 laxnob@jfcqwj.com
302 LiL RyU
303 liL uNique
304 Lil Wayne
305 LILCaleb
306 Lilly0w0
307 LilPersona
308 link01
309 Little Happy Feet!
310 LM4!
311 LOL T
312 lolitstrung
313 Lordchaos
314 lost my usb!
315 Lovely205
316 Lovesick Loop
317 LowKeeee
318 Luc Marceau
319 LucidMomentum
320 luxury009
321 lxv
322 Mad RobNoBarKid
323 Magenta Chaos
324 MagikarpMelon
325 maitai!
326 mang
327 ManInBlack
328 Masaki
329 masonium
330 MastrChef2552
331 MattyX6
332 Matt_Dizzle_805
333 Mau
334 Maumau
335 MaverickM4A1
336 mavs16
337 max101
338 mazzkeraid
339 Mcloud
341 meeep
342 Mel N. Colly
343 MeLobeYouLongTime
344 mewstrawberry
345 Migueloso22
346 MIKE from Santee
347 mikel1450
348 Milosa
349 minatsuki
350 Minxyz
352 Mistress Chrissy
353 MJ12
354 mmmm
355 Mollywalk
356 MomoSapien
357 monk monk!
358 monkeyblah
359 Montyy
361 Morphage
362 Moxie_Vitale
364 Mr.Berry
365 mR.dEleteD
367 MrKhacheerio
368 MrsSkyC
369 MSZ-006R
371 MURDER.Dickey
372 myd0gr0x
373 myoffday
374 n1njakitty69
375 Naaano!
376 Nak047
377 Narei
378 nari621
379 Narwhal Prime
380 Nashun
381 navaroli
382 navaroli_flip
383 Nazg
384 neekohh
385 neoMAXCML
386 NeoXepherDragon
387 Nerris121
388 Nest.Bathory
389 Nestor is Gay
390 NewCorgi
391 nick4232
392 Nik-NaC
393 nikku
394 ninemyuz
395 ninja itg
396 Ninzaburo
397 Ninzaburoo
398 Nixtr3m3
399 nkawasaki
400 nldrar@xnpxvt.com
401 NLPD
402 No-bar Ben
403 nock
404 NoobIRL
405 nuclearaddict
406 nullobsi
407 omgukk
408 Ongbach
409 OntehRoX
410 OSC.Suicide
411 OSC.Test
412 P4L0M0X
413 PaleOracle
414 Pancakes
415 pandakoi
416 Parfein
417 Parrax
418 pasgetti
419 Peko
420 Penguinfreek5
421 Penn
422 PH2
423 phantastic
424 Phil ver Minus1
425 phil3210
426 PHN!X
427 phnix
428 pilip99
429 PixelPenguin
430 PizzaLovers007
431 poly10
432 popo
433 Princess
434 Private Snowball
435 PSAT
436 publicflashdrive
437 pulse
438 Pyro Maniac
439 qbvqbk
440 qwertyfish
441 R2D2
442 R7AN
443 Rafek
444 RakkiiCB
445 Ralic
446 Ralph
447 Rapid Run
448 ratfink417
449 RaveGamer
450 rawblink
451 rcfox
452 Rebm88
453 Recca
454 redmanop
455 Reed.SolarCity
456 ReiReiRei
457 renagaderX
458 RenHakurei
459 Renpharos
460 Rezurektme
461 RhythmMaster
462 rhythmoid
463 RichAndCreamy
464 rinstea
465 Ritz
466 Rivenrazzak
467 robc
468 rollerhockey97
469 RosieTheGreat
470 royeed
471 Rudeshadow
472 RyoTheIII
473 s0nata.
474 Saeko
475 Safiplasm
476 saintsigma
477 Santiago22
478 Sapheradon
479 Sappy
480 Scerikat
481 scientificRex
482 Scooter
483 SD4R.SolarCity
484 Sean Webster
485 Seiken
486 Seri!
488 Shayne
489 Shenjoku
490 Sheye
491 Shishido
492 Shrimp99991
493 sidopolis
494 Since
495 sinker
496 Skippy8
497 sKittles
498 Sky Command
499 Skytigerlily
500 SLiguykyle
501 Slik
502 slime
503 SMYD
504 sn4ckm4ster
505 Snapps
506 SNJ
507 snow
508 SOCALu.f.o
509 Solarice
510 SolarSeto
511 solrbear
512 someoneelsetookmyusername
513 songokhoo
514 sorabozu
515 Souler
516 SoupP
517 sp0kes
518 spokes but old and bad
519 squatz.elemwarr
520 Stahnke
521 Starlight
522 Steech
523 Stern
524 Sublymonal
526 sumikk0
527 superla0
528 SuperOven
529 supertpt119
530 supremexbae
531 Sven
532 svhavok
533 SweetJohnnyCage
534 swuwu
535 Sylar
536 syrups
537 team_asian
538 Teming
539 Tempest8
540 Tenkz
541 Teruna
542 TGRP.DJay Eckoman
543 The CHEESE
544 The Goods Flux
545 the pimp
546 The_ITL_God
547 tiffania
548 Timothyvoca
549 titi
550 Tiza
551 tmsowacl
552 toibo.bi
553 toknblkguy
554 TOKYOGoddess
555 Trainer Red
556 Triip
557 tsubasa kazanari
558 Tygr
559 u.f.o
560 Uchiha Gaara
561 uhgameing
562 uknowdefeat
563 UltraFanatic
565 Vei
566 vietdoll
567 vitaminsie
568 Vividz
569 Void
570 WAJ
571 westgatedubai7
572 wingpunch
573 WOLF
574 WOOt
575 Wrathchild
576 X-DstRaD
577 xDavidxMoFox
578 XERO.
579 xiao009
580 Xion
581 xKID
582 Xuon
584 xyhavix
585 ycz6
586 younim88
587 Ys
588 Yserii
589 yup
590 z3h
591 zackCOOL
592 zaniel
593 Zannzabar
594 zarlas
595 Zepherino
596 Zeroex5
597 zoqrtq@muwpzj.com
598 Zssnano
Machine Locations in this region
# Name City
1 Linbrook Bowling Alley Anaheim
2 Action Arcade Arcadia
3 Lazerstar Camarillo
4 Laser Quest Chino
5 AMC Puente Hills 20 City of Industry
6 Arcade World @ Stonewood Center Mall Downey
7 Grand Slam Arcade El Monte
8 Zero Gravity @ Glendale Galleria Glendale
9 Family Fun Arcade Granada Hills
10 Bella Terra Century 20 Cinema Huntington Beach
11 Underground Arcade Huntington Park
12 Irvine Lanes Irvine
13 Ray's Game Center La Jolla
14 Howies Game Shack Mission Viejo
15 Keystone Bowling Alley Nortwalk
16 Golf N' Stuff Norwalk
17 Brunswick Vista Lanes Palmdale
18 Solar City Poway
19 Malibu Castle Redondo Beach
20 Tilt Amusement Center Riverside
21 Pro-Swap Meet San Bernardino
22 Sea World San Diego
23 Nickel City San Diego
24 Factory Tea Bar San Gabriel
25 Sherman Oaks Castle Park Sherman Oaks
26 James Games Upland
27 Ice Station Valencia
28 Six Flags Magic Mountain Valencia
29 Electric Ave Ventura