• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
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Song Scores

Songs Marathons Survival
Pack    [Pump It Up Pro Series]
Difficulty Easy Medium Hard Expert
Type Single
# Title Artist Entries High (%) Average (%)
1 +REVERSE niki feat. Lily 42 99.77 78.33
2 Abstract Nonsense Neru feat. Kagamine Rin 6 99.77 89.57
3 Aeria of Silver Caz feat. Megurine Luka 3 99.34 93.07
4 Allegra Utsu-P feat. Kagamine Rin 8 97.53 77.47
5 Animatype Keinoaza feat. Megurine Luka 1 70.73 70.73
6 ARROWz LIQ feat. Lily 5 99.38 86.72
7 Barrel Talk Hikarisyuyo feat. Kagamine Rin 4 99.09 81.34
8 Carnival otetsu feat. GUMI 6 98.85 79.09
9 Cellblind Keinoaza feat. IA 8 90.36 75.79
10 Child's Garden otetsu feat. Megurine Luka 2 99.43 89.28
11 Corruption Garden Caz feat. Megurine Luka 19 98.98 79.01
12 Cruel Clocks CON feat. Hatsune Miku 3 99.54 90.74
13 Degeneration Yuyoyuppe feat. IA 7 99.84 83.96
14 Dejected Loser Shiromeshi feat. Kagamine Rin 0 0.00 0.00
15 Deus Ex Machina BuriruP feat. Hatsune Miku 2 99.49 90.41
16 Dream Demon Diarays feat. Megurine Luka, IA, Lily & MAYU 3 99.35 86.02
17 Epimetheus Muryoku-P feat. IA 0 0.00 0.00
18 Failure Girl Kairiki Bear feat. Hatsune Miku 3 99.63 85.13
19 faker in my room uzP feat. GUMI 6 99.59 81.71
20 Fantasy Devilish-P feat. GUMI 70 99.68 85.19
21 Forget Me Not Shindehai feat. Hatsune Miku 5 99.91 85.90
22 Ghost under the Umbrella Utsu-P feat. GUMI 0 0.00 0.00
23 GIGI in a certain town sasakure.UK feat. Hatsune Miku 3 85.33 81.05
24 God Only Knows Devilish-P feat. IA 8 99.80 83.10
25 Holography Devilish-P feat. GUMI 25 94.25 82.89
26 Kanousei to Mirai no Hazama ni Shizumu uzP feat. GUMI 10 96.90 77.53
27 Magenta Devilish-P feat. GUMI 8 99.83 89.52
28 Make Your Day BATM feat. GUMI 2 99.89 93.94
29 Meiteki Cybernetics otetsu feat. Megurine Luka 2 68.88 66.35
30 Miracle Rose Shindehai feat. Hatsune Miku 6 99.77 89.51
31 Mirroring Heart Shindehai feat. GUMI 0 0.00 0.00
32 Over the Limit Yuyoyuppe feat. IA 6 99.80 88.79
33 Palette Yuyoyuppe feat. Megurine Luka 121 99.93 86.89
34 Raspberry Monster HoneyWorks feat. Hatsune Miku 102 99.92 85.01
35 speedier increase MuteP feat. Kagamine Rin 7 99.85 86.53
36 START LeftyMonster-P feat. Lily 4 99.78 89.71
37 The Dying Message Utsu-P feat. Kagamine Rin 3 99.90 90.96
38 Toumei na Migite o uzP feat. GUMI 5 99.91 88.99
39 Transparent World The RiGEL feat. Hatsune Miku 42 99.80 79.54
40 Yobanashi Deceive Jin feat. IA 2 97.60 86.10