• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

shortysnmn2010's Profile

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User Name: shortysnmn2010
Machine Tag:
Machine Location: Unspecified
Region: Unspecified
Age: 17
Sex: Unspecified
Play Style: Unspecified
Member since: November 28th, 2004
Last Profile Update: November 28th, 2004
I've been playing DDR for a while now, and stopped about a year ago.  I concentrated on making DWIs  for contests and for fun.  Now that I've seen ITG, I am going to the arcades about once a week or so.  I'm alright at the game (a year of not playing really reduced my stamina and accuracy); I worry more about having a fun time than getting high scores, though. Whenever I play, I usually play on tornado or flip (which is why some of my scores can be really low =P) I'd go more often, but I quit my job (I'd rather be unemployed then work at the place I used to work at), have a lot of do in school (12th grade), and I hang out with non-arcade friends a lot =P.  I love meeting new people online and at the arcades,
shortysnmn2010's Recent Scores:
Song Name Score (%) Pack Date Submitted
Monolith 89.13   In the Groove 2 11/30/2021
My Life Is So Crazy 92.64   In the Groove 2 11/30/2021
No Princess 94.05   In the Groove 2 11/30/2021
No Princess 95.04   In the Groove 2 11/30/2021
No Princess 94.07   In the Groove 2 11/30/2021
Single In The Groove 1 & 2 Overall Percentages Double
Expert  19.19% 2.59%  Expert
Hard  56.96% 20.03%  Hard
Medium  28.57% 29.66%  Medium
Easy  15.48% 12.04%  Easy
Total  30.55% 16.43%  Total
Single Overall Percentages: ITG Courses Double
Intense  9.55% 0.00%  Intense
Normal  8.65% 0.00%  Normal
Survival  0.00% 0.00%  Survival
Total  8.20% 0.00%  Total