• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

Machine Locations

City: Gothenburg
Region: Sweden
Pack    [Pump it Up Pro Series]
Difficulty Expert Hard Medium Easy
Type Single Double
Local Ranking
# Name Tag Score Entries Average (%)* Overall (%)**
1 ROBIJO ROB 294 92.63% 3.31%
2 Ugge 216 94.8% 2.49%
3 emodjuret EMO 113 98.25% 1.35%
4 Niya Niya 109 96.34% 1.28%
5 MeLLiS MELL 111 95.08% 1.28%
6 MIST_ DAVE 111 93.41% 1.26%
7 Ibl IBL? 103 90.32% 1.13%
8 M1k0 M1k0 105 87.29% 1.11%
9 tobsan MOFD 86 94.33% 0.99%
10 Basilika Jon 81 93.86% 0.92%
11 Bimbo BMBO 75 84.3% 0.77%
12 Milkddr Milk 66 94.77% 0.76%
13 Luminate LUMI 63 90.9% 0.7%
14 Bemoz BMOZ 64 88.39% 0.69%
15 Snf SNRF 67 82.34% 0.67%
16 Sesshoumaru SESS 60 90.83% 0.66%
17 hundben DOGI 59 85.61% 0.61%
18 Kyobi SR3D 53 87.92% 0.57%
19 ar ar 50 86.85% 0.53%
20 Zyrre ZYRE 44 94.32% 0.5%
21 SinghaVOB VOB 37 96.87% 0.44%
22 Varg VARG 38 79.95% 0.37%
23 Jegar JEGR 27 83.76% 0.28%
24 Tjomme (no bar) TJOM 22 75.86% 0.2%
25 Witwicky WIT 16 82.45% 0.16%
26 Herman HE 17 73.99% 0.15%
27 WyvernITG14791 4 8 94.18% 0.09%
28 Ice Climber !337 7 80.64% 0.07%
29 khris KRIS 7 74.24% 0.06%
30 teppic TPC 6 76.26% 0.06%
31 Jessica Jess 4 96.55% 0.05%
32 Boba BOBA 4 67.98% 0.03%
33 tekni tek 2 69.87% 0.02%
34 Kargha KARG 2 70% 0.02%
35 Polinth Hex 2 72.81% 0.02%
36 pengi Pngi 2 61.49% 0.01%
37 Klant KLAN 1 63.04% 0.01%
Minimum of 1 entries required to appear on ranking.
* Average (%) - factors in songs with score entries only.
** Overall (%) - factors in every song.