• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

View Region

Region: Ohio (OH)
Country: U.S.A.
Players in this region
# Name
1 12brendan3
2 4pr1lf0015
3 addem
4 aemwkc@xsjbdq.com
5 agentmargo
6 airguitardude12
7 almost927
8 Alpaxxa
11 apolloyastice
12 arbelnox
13 ArchOwL
14 Asian Dan
15 atomika MAX
16 Auspher
17 BestJustin
18 Bigeinfereers
19 Bionova-2
20 BitWyrm
21 blank.fantasy
23 BreakfastPM
24 BriWantsChipotles
25 BubbyLT3
26 Butter
27 CantiFRFX
28 CardinalDan
29 CBallzTheGreat
30 ChaosMaster
31 Chriz5
32 chuckie0424
33 Coaster Krazy
34 crytrin
35 Cublex
36 cunrdn@fudqqk.com
37 DairyDude
38 Dart1211
39 Dav657
40 Dave89
41 Daywalkr
42 ddrisbetterthanitg
43 ddrjay
44 deleteMe
45 DemonKu
46 detri
47 Dinosaur Emoji
48 djkoto
49 Dj_Iskascribble
50 DKong
51 dlanistheman
52 Dmoney(DMNY)
53 Doublegambler
54 dreyvas
55 Drizzt202
56 Duracell
57 DVogan11
58 DxxRamboxT
59 dylan10114
60 Dyne322
61 Earl
62 Eggums
63 Eh Steve0
64 Eijiken
65 elderabi
66 Eschiebs
67 Event Mode
68 eyotic
69 fenderbam
70 Fightface
71 five
72 flairescaboxbo
73 Flea
74 Flying Tattooist
75 Friz-Bee
76 FrozenHeart
78 gamabunta90
79 gamekid
80 gamer55567
82 gbaker!?
83 generus
84 Gerf
86 haffey
87 HallelooQurL
88 Hazelle
89 hdimfgam
90 HegemonMithos
91 Hippie_Slay
92 Holland
93 Hurricane1080
94 Hysteresis
95 iamralph
96 ibdrlati
97 iGoCollege
98 ImAManOfMy
99 IzzyLockhardt
100 J-MAD
101 J0K3R
102 JALO
103 Jamie420Thicc
104 jayfresh
105 Jedi Zeke
106 jiajiabinks
107 Jimbo22291
108 Jimmy
109 jlsovpstur
110 jmarkovitz
111 Jocab
112 jordan U
113 JPOP
114 JuegoSUCIO
115 junithm
116 Kalek
118 Keef
119 kermit036
120 kidcrab
121 Kigha
122 kimalaka
123 KingRyuk
124 kiraryu
125 kittytwinklez
126 Kmarc
127 KMFL300
128 Kunasaki
129 Kyo Yuy
130 lara forced me to
131 laurus_nobilis
132 Laver
133 Lavitz
134 lbxhqsuaw
135 Lemmingtonworth
137 LightMcTight
138 Lil Q v.2
139 LittleBunny0
140 LocalPet
141 Logan is ITG
142 Lord_LiMe0
143 Lupes
144 MacDuffman?!
145 makoto
146 malletmandan
147 ManeMan08
148 ManeMan8
149 Martalis
150 MastaFlip
151 mattakafire
152 Meat_Bun1
153 MeGoesMoo
154 Milesprower
155 MilesProwler
156 Milodiablo
157 MissFitITG
158 Muddy
159 MusicalRose
160 NachoUnlimited
161 NDGO
162 Niko
163 NJL
164 no-fun-nathan
165 Nobore
166 Not Mane Man
167 Not2Dey
168 NotITGfan61
169 Notyugi
170 NovaLMAO
171 opepmetbad
172 Orca
173 ouran
174 PaJamis
175 Parsnipp
176 paul
177 PeyKingG
178 PH03N1X
179 Phryxam
180 pinky1statime
181 pirana0
182 Plainclothes
183 ponpar
184 princepokey
185 queenoflightitg
186 Rai
187 ranatalus
188 randomheroreadnekk
189 RandomizeR
190 Rathalos888
191 regulator10886
192 Rhythmatic-Kody
193 rjmerbabe
194 Rocketgamer102
195 rock_otaku
196 Royzourboy
197 Ryujin
198 Scavacadoes
199 scenegirlsympathizer
200 sean
201 seroTONEin
202 sexymustard
203 Sionnach
204 SionSF
205 sitg3
206 Skeeter
207 slassy
208 sleeve
209 Snooze
210 SO-RA
211 Someone
212 SonicChaosX
213 Sopra
214 sourapple
215 Speckles
216 Spectere
217 sreuhj@paclpq.com
218 Strider
219 STSxAkira
220 Sydia
221 Teksnek
222 testnewusb
223 The Remedyz
224 The Situation
225 thebest33
226 ThereGoesMySanity
227 Thrive On Ego
228 tim
229 tinsqu
230 Toastuy
231 Trob
232 tryingtoimprove
233 Tshiz
234 TulioPiu
235 typhoon
236 Verron
237 Vi517
238 videokyd
239 Vypon3000
240 watermoon
241 weaselriot
242 Wgoforth
243 Whipplash
244 whiskr
245 whowantsanencore
246 wibxrqwodh
247 xpwr
248 yabble2
249 Yeen_Swirls
250 yesimnathan
251 Zaelyx
252 zAkAtAk
253 zappyalex
254 Zeeafk
255 z_axis
Machine Locations in this region
# Name City
1 Camelot Lanes Boardman
2 Camelot Lanes Boardman
3 2Play Bowling Green
4 Arcade Legacy Cincinnati
5 Magic Mountain Polaris Columbus
6 Mike Q's Apartment Columbus
7 Mike Quaintance's Apartment Columbus
8 Fort Rapids - Gold Rush Arcade Columbus
9 GOM Arcade Huber Heights
10 Fun-n-Stuff Macedonia
11 Park Lanes Mansfield
12 Paramount's Kings Island Mason
13 All American Sports Center North Ridgeville