PKMN.TonyHCC's Profile
User Name:
Machine Tag:
Machine Location:
British Columbia - Command HeadQuarters [CHQ]
British Columbia
Total Quads/100%s:
Play Style:
Sometimes Bar
Member since:
March 31st, 2005
Last Profile Update:
January 20th, 2009
I like playing with mods... sometimes, not always.
Yeah, most of the screenshots are screwed up. Too lazy to fix them, so too bad! :P
Regarding Automation Intense: Yeah, SWFT, you don't even play anymore, and I haven't really had the motivation to play it for the time being. One of these random days I'll get around to it. Furthest I got was the long run on Determinator, using 2.5x mini. If I ever pass it, it'll either be 2.5x mini overhead, or 2x overhead. I'll just mark that challenge as complete for now.
NO MORE TIMED Challenges for now Please! :P If you do send me one, I'm just gonna disregard the time limit. :)
Oh yeah! As much as I say pad this and pad that sometimes at the arcade, I never recalculate scores.
PKMN.TonyHCC's Recent Scores:
Song Name | Score (%) | Pack | Date Submitted |
Habanera 1 | 100.00 | In the Groove 2 | 3/31/2009 |
Birdie | 100.00 | In the Groove 2 | 10/14/2008 |
Lipstick Kiss | 99.41 | In the Groove 2 | 10/13/2008 |
Summer ~Speedy Mix~ | 82.06 | In the Groove 2 | 10/13/2008 |
Sweet World | 98.94 | In the Groove 2 | 10/13/2008 |
GF.Zarkonis, (SSS)XSoulX, @llama, Anuj1x, arcwil, bgalm, BNS.Dman, Connor., Crono, DF.caffwin, DF.Flaire, DF.Xyton, Drakon, EJO9876, evascythe, Icey, InspectorKen, Jessica., Kaku, Mantic, Many Rescores, MazriM TaiM, Muzzle, NeoBlargg, PKMN.Sota, Pootinator, r3d, Sraw, stoyq, SWFT, THECapedCaper, TJD.Exrave, Uber, WAY!, Willw, xinglei, Z3LL
(37 total)
Friend Of:
GF.Zarkonis, !D!zZy!K@Z!, (SSS)XSoulX, Anuj1x, arcwil, bgalm, BNS.Dman, Connor., Crono, DF.caffwin, DF.Flaire, DF.Xyton, Drakon, EJO9876, evascythe, Icey, InspectorKen, Jessica., Kaku, Mantic, Many Rescores, MazriM TaiM, Muzzle, NeoBlargg, PKMN.Sota, Pootinator, r3d, ShinerCCC, Sraw, stoyq, SWFT, THECapedCaper, TJD.Exrave, Uber, Waldo, WAY!, Willie, Willw, xinglei, Z3LL
(40 total)
Single | In The Groove 1 & 2 Overall Percentages | Double | |
Expert | 98.28% | 37.07% | Expert |
Hard | 99.80% | 33.04% | Hard |
Medium | 6.97% | 1.26% | Medium |
Easy | 0.56% | 0.72% | Easy |
Total | 49.26% | 17.52% | Total |
Single | Overall Percentages: ITG Courses | Double | |
Intense | 78.65% | 18.62% | Intense |
Normal | 96.09% | 14.20% | Normal |
Survival | 64.69% | 0.00% | Survival |
Total | 85.13% | 14.79% | Total |