• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

Zealous One's Profile

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User Name: Zealous One
Machine Tag: ZLS1
Machine Location: Unspecified
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Play Style: Strictly No Bar
Member since: January 31st, 2009
Last Profile Update: April 2nd, 2010
Kinda late to the party here--just wanted a place to store some scores now that I finally found a USB that works with ITG2.

6/2/09: I've been posting scores since February, but I just now got around to officially uploading them off my USB.

9/2/09: I used to play at UCLA's COINZ arcade, but since I left SoCal, I won't be doing much in the way of ITG very often.

4/2/10: I've probably visited the COINZ machine for the last time in who knows how long, now that most of my old friends have left the area.  At this point I'm probably not going to be able to finish the last 4 songs I haven't passed, but oh well.  I'll still be playing dancing games time and again elsewhere.
Zealous One's Recent Scores:
Song Name Score (%) Pack Date Submitted
Bloodrush 66.92
In the Groove 2 6/13/2009
Determinator 70.95
In the Groove 2 6/11/2009
Know Your Enemy 92.55   In the Groove 2 6/04/2009
Clockwork Genesis 90.90   In the Groove 2 6/02/2009
Disconnected -Mobius- 99.02   In the Groove 6/02/2009
Friends: hadokenstyle, Seiken
(2 total)
Friend Of: hadokenstyle, Seiken
(2 total)
Single In The Groove 1 & 2 Overall Percentages Double
Expert  48.20% 0.00%  Expert
Hard  0.00% 0.00%  Hard
Medium  0.00% 0.00%  Medium
Easy  0.00% 0.00%  Easy
Total  10.39% 0.00%  Total
Single Overall Percentages: ITG Courses Double
Intense  0.00% 0.00%  Intense
Normal  0.00% 0.00%  Normal
Survival  0.00% 0.00%  Survival
Total  0.00% 0.00%  Total