• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

Song Scores

Songs Marathons Survival
Pack    [Pump It Up Pro Series]
Difficulty Easy Medium Hard Expert
Type Single
# Title Artist Entries High (%) Average (%)
1 Abyssal (Get ready to die.) Fleshgod Apocalypse 16 99.16 89.05
2 Aztec Templing (Techno-titlan Mix) Hi-G remixed by DM Ashura 32 100.00 91.07
3 BB Evolution AKHT 30 99.97 93.76
4 BB Revenge AKHT 23 99.87 93.90
5 Beyond Abilities Warmen 14 99.43 91.08
6 Bokura no 16bit Warz sasakure.UK 10 97.86 88.91
7 Brandish Headless S.S.H. 19 99.95 91.80
8 Corrosion Nighthawk22 25 100.00 92.22
9 Dash Hopes Renard 24 99.92 89.66
10 Dead Feelings CORE 10 97.90 92.03
11 Destination (~Rapture~) ZaG-X Vs. Renard 22 99.92 95.22
12 Destination Helios ZETA vs. Renard 26 100.00 91.99
13 Final Destination Renard 19 99.79 91.93
14 Freedom Dive Xi 10 99.39 87.96
15 Illumination of the Sky Phantasma 16 99.94 95.46
16 Jehovah's YaHVeH Demetori 19 99.45 88.36
17 Lawn Wake IV (Black) The Flashbulb 17 99.74 95.15
18 O_L Ueno Yuki 16 99.59 90.64
19 Perfect Cherry Storm Sun3 29 99.85 93.20
20 Rain (good fucking luck) YMCK 7 95.02 87.07
21 Ridiculosis TheBoxX 14 99.70 94.15
22 s!o!c!o!p!o!g!o!g!o! Sonic Coaster Pop 17 99.94 91.25
23 Sharpest NTW 10 99.14 92.76
24 Starlight YMCK 12 99.83 91.81
25 Steel Bomber Kommisar 22 99.90 91.17
26 Strangeprogram DJ Sharpnel 14 99.80 88.96
27 to Luv me I *** for u t+pazolite 25 99.77 92.86
28 Vertex Epsilon Silvia 7 99.20 88.80
30 Woah Nigga Damn Restart 12 99.96 96.08