• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

ZoZo's Profile

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User Name: ZoZo
Machine Tag: ZOZO
Machine Location: New Jersey - Fun n Games
Region: Unspecified
Total Quads/100%s: 4
Age: 21
Sex: Unspecified
Play Style: Unspecified
Member since: November 7th, 2004
Last Profile Update: November 7th, 2004
I'm the premier record holder on the Hard board at my arcade.  Also, know how I'm for real?  The screeeenshots...  Anyone who knows me will know that I don't use the bar unless I deem it absolutely necessary. 

And another thing, I don't believe in playing way below your skill level just to get obscenely high scores, thus ruining anyone else's chances of getting a record (ie. Someone who plays on Easy or Medium to get 3 or 4 Star scores when they're completely capable of playing on Hard or Ex).

I may not be able to pass most of the 12 and 13-footers, but what I lack in bar-raping, stamina-draining, song-surviving skills, I make up for with some pretty damn good accuracy.  (At least, for my area.)

Check me out at myspace:

and LJ as well:
ZoZo's Recent Scores:
Song Name Score (%) Pack Date Submitted
Wanna Do 99.53
In the Groove 2 12/15/2005
Visible Noise 99.61
In the Groove 2 12/15/2005
Tribal Style 99.41
In the Groove 2 12/15/2005
My Life Is So Crazy 99.29
In the Groove 2 12/15/2005
Ize Pie 99.30
In the Groove 2 12/15/2005
Single In The Groove 1 & 2 Overall Percentages Double
Expert  85.22% 0.00%  Expert
Hard  99.35% 1.88%  Hard
Medium  2.87% 18.69%  Medium
Easy  0.00% 1.25%  Easy
Total  45.10% 5.60%  Total
Single Overall Percentages: ITG Courses Double
Intense  24.37% 0.00%  Intense
Normal  90.56% 2.09%  Normal
Survival  97.36% 0.00%  Survival
Total  61.41% 0.94%  Total