discovolante's Profile
User Name:
Machine Tag:
Machine Location:
Oregon - Lloyd Center Tilt
Total Quads/100%s:
Play Style:
Always Bar
Member since:
August 18th, 2005
Last Profile Update:
August 9th, 2009
discovolante's Recent Scores:
Song Name | Score (%) | Pack | Date Submitted |
Popcorn Expert (10) Sgl |
99.40 | ITG: Rebirth | 9/20/2009 |
One Thousand Cranes Expert (10) Sgl |
99.44 | ITG: Rebirth | 9/14/2009 |
Calendar Girl Expert (10) Sgl |
99.61 | ITG: Rebirth | 8/06/2009 |
Determinator Expert (12) Sgl |
80.09 | In the Groove 2 | 3/07/2009 |
Summer ~Speedy Mix~ Expert (13) Sgl |
79.97 | In the Groove 2 | 3/07/2009 |
ISD.wtfbbqJOEY, admstyles, AFAD.sakuneko, Alextrebek, Archi, BBH, bluechows, Boner Musician, Brother Mojo, CuoReNeRo, Damien, DancingTofu, Dimitri13, Dyaus, Eleftheria, EVOriginal, Faker13, Foti, Grey, Hoodie, IHYD.dimo, InsaneMidget, Jesus, JKwon34, Joseph L., KitsuneRacer, KR.bbqfatman (team 9s), Krispy, Krumb, Kyrandian, licyeus, Lil Q, MazriM TaiM, mendellee, Phylicia, Pickles, PNW.JULE, pyroko, reboman, SoftTofu, ssssss, Starman Deluxe is hot, titandude21, Trunks102, Tyrgannus (con silla), zdr
(46 total)
Friend Of:
ISD.wtfbbqJOEY, AFAD.sakuneko, Alextrebek, alias Ireen, Archi, BBH, bluechows, Boner Musician, CuoReNeRo, DancingTofu, Dimitri13, Dyaus, EVOriginal, Faker13, Foti, Grey, Hoodie, Incognito Uncut, Jesus, JKwon34, JOKR, Joseph L., KitsuneRacer, Krispy, Krumb, Kyrandian, licyeus, MazriM TaiM, mendellee, Phylicia, PNW.JULE, pyroko, SoDeepPolaris, SoftTofu, ssssss, Starman Deluxe is hot, titandude21, Trunks102, Tyrgannus (con silla), zdr
(40 total)
Single | In The Groove 1 & 2 Overall Percentages | Double | |
Expert | 93.99% | 16.40% | Expert |
Hard | 78.41% | 24.63% | Hard |
Medium | 7.10% | 0.70% | Medium |
Easy | 1.45% | 1.23% | Easy |
Total | 43.00% | 10.59% | Total |
Single | Overall Percentages: ITG Courses | Double | |
Intense | 27.45% | 2.44% | Intense |
Normal | 63.94% | 10.79% | Normal |
Survival | 58.42% | 10.64% | Survival |
Total | 46.95% | 7.01% | Total |