DTSA.MOLE's Profile
User Name:
Machine Tag:
Machine Location:
Massachusetts - The MoleHole
Total Quads/100%s:
Triumph Points:
Play Style:
Always Bar
Member since:
July 30th, 2006
Last Profile Update:
March 1st, 2012
A.K.A Joel From Cape.
Dancing Keeps Me Sane.
Iv Been Playing DDR Since Extreme First Came Out And I Claim To Have Officially Started Playing April Of 2003. I Hated ITG1 when it first came out cause I thought it was too hard lmao but started playing more and more and started seriously playing when ITG2 came out. Seriously itg1 was god awful.
Most of my scores are on upgrade cabs.
All scores are USB Verified + Screenshot
Click On The Songs Tab To View My Scores
Brendon, Craig, Rob, Tom, Manny, JoeP, ZZZ and of course DTSA.
The Only People I Respect.
UPDATE: March 1st 2012: I got allot better at stamina for a while and was consistently passing 14's and starting to pass a few 15's then like always i stopped playing due to the fact NO one around cape cod plays anymore. No more parties, No more nothing. Its basically a dead zone out here. On top of that Ryans Family Amusements closed in the mall after a brief stint trying to follow it FYE's footsteps that closed prior. They have also since sold all of there DDR and ITG machines leaving only one public machine available on cape in sandwich due to the fact its privately owned arcade and not a chain. The new england dance community however is thriving with the addition of a privately owned ITG2 dedicab and allot of people coming for tournaments as well as going ahead and purchasing there own machines. My goal is eventually to move up there as soon as fucking possible. Until then my scores remain static inching every year ever so close to 99% average. Also playing on my machine is like playing on judge 2. Which id say explains my lack of Quads. Every time i go to a dedicab i SDE just about everything that i get at least 20 on my machine.
UPDATE: October 29th 2009: Since I do have a machine in my basement Ive been playing more especially with the formation of DTSA and friday night dance partys. I feel as if im retired and my boys AJC, DUCK, & JMAR are really excelling and carrying the flame for the new generation of dancers which pushes me to get better every day. Ive taught them everything i know. Im proud of them and proud to have them representing the CapeCod dancing scene lol.
UPDATE: July10th 2009: I never really play this game anymore and havnt played seriously since I stopped going to randolph in like 2007. I did however buy a machine last summer of 08' and since then have done amazing things with it. Including: Getting upgrade kits for DDR 2nd - Extreme and A Dancing stage Euromix1&2 kits, rewiring a new JAMMA harness, shaving an 1/8th inch off the top of the back panel for easy removal and access(some machines the wood warps and it can be impossible to get the back panel back on ) modded the pads to be more responsive, fixed all lights, installed a brand new flat glass XGA 29" tri scan monitor, Installed a Universal Comparative Coinmech (adjustable to accept any coin type in the world), new tube locks, and corresponding banners and recently aquired Tokyo Game Action's very own ddr memory card slots from the auction, cut out and sanded the front panel for them and installed them working perfectly. I also now have the ability to swap the DDR hardware for ITG hardware and run it perfectly with a theme switcher and 1500 songs, plus USB hub support with a custom ITG3 banner :) And yes I run a legit ITGIO board NOT A jpac like most "custom" home cabinets., Also I counter sunk all the inside bracket screw holes and replaced them with flat screws that lay 100% Flush (No more tripping over raised screws) I did ALLOT of work to my machine over the last year or so and im very proud of it. I suppose I should play it more often then I do lol.
UPDATE:May 5th 2008 Well I havn't really played ITG seriously since my last entry and have been focusing mostly on DDR extreme due to the MMG tournys in RI, which i only went to twice and got a 1st place and 2nd place only to rob in the grand finalls beating out 20 some odd people joep and clay to name a few, but all things come to an end or at least a slight standstill, MMG's extreme broke so they stopped running tournys at least for a while ( Its now fixed) but i doubt their will be a huge turnout until at least summertime. So iv recently taken two trips to play itg2 again one to malden last month and one to marlboro last night, as for me being out of practice for 7monthes it showed in my stamina level and consistancy but to my suprise my accuracy is still there Almost quading flying high last night was funny but Maybee ill start playing this game for fun again since ddr is my main game for right now
at least till I hit 100 AAA's IM pretty consistant too AAA'd my set on friday :] anyways thats my life no one reads this anyways :] .dtsa
UPDATE:September 14th 2007 Iv been playing DDR allot lately since they got a new extreme machine near where i live and its actually halfway decent also because RI tournaments are Hilarious so of course im out of shape but on a good note i AAA'd ...i feel four times now lol. but I updated my scores again and broke 98% overalll expert, all 113 songs passed and all 9's *** I have a few new scores that are good but would have been better had i not got pad greats,way-offs,and misses but I do not recalc my scores as much as i would LOVE too theirfore they are all 100% legit and validated. Im back in my local arcade after speaking with FYE but in the 6 Monthes that i was gone the pads have turned to complete shit and are impossible to improve my scores also the memcards are broken and complete faggots go their now so i dont bother and usually only play itg when i go an hour or more offcape to a dedicab. Im satisfied at this point with my scores and probly eventually will break 99% someday when i have my own machine or move to So-Cal :).
UPDATE: February 1st 2007 I Just updated my groovestats for the first time in the past month basically.
And iv finally got back to wear i was 6monthes ago and actually have made progress. I owe this to a dedicab about an hour away from me but well wourth it and have improved my expert average by .16 to break a 97% average which means i imporved my songs by 16 whole percentages overall. also iv spoken with FYE corporate and word is im allowed back in my home arcade soon:)
My Life Doesnt Suck So Much Anymore :)
UPDATE: January 4th 2007 today marks the 150th day iv been banned from my local FYE arcade. I was banned originally for attempting the linux hack on our itg2 machine 2monthes before the r21 revision was released which is now ironiclly installed with custom songs enabled on our machine. Needless to say this has put an abrupt hault to my improvement on scores and caused my ability to drop tremendously. I dont kno when if ever i will be allowed back into the arcade and i now only play once a week if that at Tokyo Game Action 3hours away from my home. Because the nearest other itg2 machine is in boston which is a shitty dedicab that is not maintained anymore.
DTSA.MOLE's Recent Scores:
Song Name | Score (%) | Pack | Date Submitted |
Blackout Expert (10) Sgl |
99.57 | Mudkyp 5th Gen | 3/01/2012 |
Desert Rain Expert (11) Sgl |
97.81 | Mudkyp 5th Gen | 3/01/2012 |
Lovely Storm (Makina Remix) Expert (13) Sgl |
95.05 | Mudkyp 5th Gen | 3/01/2012 |
Nervous Expert (11) Sgl |
95.80 | Mudkyp 5th Gen | 3/01/2012 |
Oriental Mythology Expert (11) Sgl |
91.95 | Mudkyp 5th Gen | 3/01/2012 |
AJC, cha0ticz, DTSA.DUCK, DTSA.jmar, JOKR, PiNK Rose, RFC.Macadamia, Romanedge, SovPwr(done for summer)
(9 total)
Friend Of:
AJC, DTSA.DUCK, DTSA.jmar, FOXY!, Ishimaru, iTz Jimmy, JOKR, Kiryuu1, kristina love, Locke, NERDS.Questor96, PiNK Rose, Taeil2, XEverReadyX, yokaisenshi18
(15 total)
Single | In The Groove 1 & 2 Overall Percentages | Double | |
Expert | 98.84% | 12.80% | Expert |
Hard | 41.71% | 1.95% | Hard |
Medium | 5.79% | 0.00% | Medium |
Easy | 4.14% | 1.62% | Easy |
Total | 34.82% | 3.87% | Total |
Single | Overall Percentages: ITG Courses | Double | |
Intense | 17.87% | 0.00% | Intense |
Normal | 22.02% | 0.00% | Normal |
Survival | 0.00% | 0.00% | Survival |
Total | 17.97% | 0.00% | Total |