• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

admstyles's Profile

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User Name: admstyles
Machine Tag: ADAM
Region: Michigan
Total Quads/100%s: 157
Age: 39
Sex: Male
Play Style: Unspecified
Member since: March 2nd, 2005
Last Profile Update: July 27th, 2010
admstyles's Recent Scores:
Song Name Score (%) Pack Date Submitted
Get Happy 100.00
In the Groove 2 2/02/2011
I Think I Like That Sound 100.00
In the Groove 2/02/2011
Anubis 100.00
In the Groove 2/02/2011
Fly Away 100.00
In the Groove 1/15/2011
My Favourite Game 100.00
In the Groove 11/19/2010
Friend Of: !D!zZy!K@Z!, (440)Ezzo, (630) Bob Earl, *5-MFB*King Timmy, *TAF* Genocide!!, ..k-lamar X.., 3LB0, 4CANT.Retired, Adriano, Ahi7.G3nGar, AliaS_ZoN3, ALM., Andisheh, ApheX, Arceaon Zero, AxioM, Beast Boy, BEEX, Big Matt, blackcat, bluechows, Bluemystic, Brazoliange, Butter, Cale, CartoonHero, cartoonhero_604, CBAV!, Chibi-chan, Chrillicus, chrisslugma, CJ!, Ck, CNSF.Scythe, cobalt flux, combatlibby, daerzack, Damien, Dark Kitsune, darksyde.stg, Davyn, DBFriday, ddrcoder, DDRplayer, DEFX132, DeSire, de_stroyed, discovolante, DJ MOSES, djMHT, Eleftheria, Eriaii, FelxLunaura, FEPJ.gangsta, flashitude, Freedomco, FRESNOobs.AJE, frumpytuin, gamemaster4, ge2, GospelEXE, gradhoney18, HispanicPanics.DICE, HoHoFtw, HOMO, Hoodie, HotJava, Hurricane1080, hurtpiggypig, I Am Hero, IHYD.dimo, IHYD.DukAmok, IHYM.Mugen, imbalanced, inthegroovex20, j0e paul, jAAAmes, Jason, Jer, jessi v, JOKR, JonathanDDR(ITG?), julianstyles, Julie Q, kdeux, KEN!, Kevbo, KillerB, KO0L-JaY-, Koushiro, KR.bbqfatman (team 9s), Kr1sd3la0, L!!!Hollis, lamont248, licyeus, Life, Lil Q, Lil Q (no bar), LinkV, ll AXLE ll, LLAD.shaneHimself, logan five, Lon, luketastic1, MAAAX_himself, Mariogirl, Matrix Purpose, mb41186, MIA.Nick, MigitAs, Milk, Mojobaby817, Moxadonis, Mr. Incredible, mrzigzag, MURDER.Haruhi, Murmur, Mustang, mykl, Neel, Nikko, NN Jody, omo, outbreakofnrg, Pharaoh Jeff, PidG30n, PimpinSuperSized, PiNK Rose, PKRQ, pnq5, Private Snowball, prophecyofone, Puddles, PUMA.TimBOT67, pwn73554, Radruler, Rahzel, RandomizeR, RawkusOG, Rayman, regulator10886, RFC.Macadamia, RICHARD!!!, Richkorean, RivvyMonster, Ronnie!, SAC.Razor, SDN.Qu1ggleston, Sensai, SexyHotRoss, Shibbypod, SimeonSLeVeLUp, Skaterboy, ssssss, StarFire, stfd.FUse, superboner, TEAM UI.Vortex, The Yan of the Century, themets3915, thenorcaljew, TIDGAF.Mr.eX.AAA, TJ3, Trill, Tripp, twistsk8er420, u_r_not_turner, WAY!, Windows, xDavidxMoFox, xrandom1x, xSikRiOtx, xxxxx, zAkAtAk, Zaku, zellrith, zzyzx.PearDog, zzyzx.PineappleDog, zzyzx.StrawberryDog
(179 total)
Single In The Groove 1 & 2 Overall Percentages Double
Expert  93.73% 0.74%  Expert
Hard  89.40% 0.72%  Hard
Medium  0.00% 0.00%  Medium
Easy  0.00% 0.00%  Easy
Total  43.59% 0.35%  Total
Single Overall Percentages: ITG Courses Double
Intense  2.39% 0.00%  Intense
Normal  0.00% 0.00%  Normal
Survival  0.00% 0.00%  Survival
Total  1.08% 0.00%  Total