• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

ITG The Groove's Profile

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User Name: ITG The Groove
Machine Tag:
Region: Ohio
Total Quads/100%s: 161
Triumph Points: 52650
Age: 125
Sex: Male
Play Style: Always Bar
Member since: May 25th, 2015
Last Profile Update: March 14th, 2025
Dance Game Story

Started playing in 8th grade about 10 years ago as of summer 2015 on a soft pad with an xbox at a neighbor's house.

Got my own soft pad at DDR MAX a couple months later.

Met a friend in high school freshman year who introduced me to arcade DDR (DDR Extreme)

First played ITG on an upgrade cab at local arcade.

First played on a ITG dedi at All American a year and a half-ish after I started playing.

First arcade I ever played DDR at closed when I was a junior :(

Stopped playing DDR for a year until a friend of mine showed me another arcade that had extreme and supernova 2 (Play 2 Win)

Met my would-be girlfriend at Play 2 Win <3

Play 2 Win closed about a year ish after I started playing there :(

Stopped dance games because no where to play plus started college

Started playing again when I was on an internship and living at home. A friend bought the ITG dedi from all american and started playing there for roughly 6 months

Also played at DDR and ITG at Fun 'n Stuff while playing on friend's dedi. Met some of my best friends there.

Bought the dedi from friend a year after she got it and have been having friends over from FNS and previous arcades ever since...
Friends: Based Honk, MrMeatloaf
(2 total)
Friend Of: Alex Pagan, Based Honk, MrMeatloaf
(3 total)
Single Mute Sims Overall Percentages Double
Expert  0.00% 0.00%  Expert
Hard  0.00% 0.00%  Hard
Medium  0.00% 0.00%  Medium
Easy  0.00% 0.00%  Easy
Total  0.00% 0.00%  Total
Single BemaniBeats Series Overall Percentages Double
Expert  62.66% 0.00%  Expert
Hard  9.47% 0.00%  Hard
Medium  0.00% 0.00%  Medium
Easy  1.25% 0.00%  Easy
Total  35.10% 0.00%  Total